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TourTestBase.php in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/tour/src/Tests/TourTestBase.php




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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\tour\Tests\TourTestBase.
namespace Drupal\tour\Tests;

use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Base class for testing Tour functionality.
abstract class TourTestBase extends WebTestBase {

   * Assert function to determine if tips rendered to the page
   * have a corresponding page element.
   * @param array $tips
   *   A list of tips which provide either a "data-id" or "data-class".
   * @code
   * // Basic example.
   * $this->assertTourTips();
   * // Advanced example. The following would be used for multipage or
   * // targeting a specific subset of tips.
   * $tips = array();
   * $tips[] = array('data-id' => 'foo');
   * $tips[] = array('data-id' => 'bar');
   * $tips[] = array('data-class' => 'baz');
   * $this->assertTourTips($tips);
   * @endcode
  public function assertTourTips($tips = array()) {

    // Get the rendered tips and their data-id and data-class attributes.
    if (empty($tips)) {

      // Tips are rendered as <li> elements inside <ol id="tour">.
      $rendered_tips = $this
        ->xpath('//ol[@id = "tour"]//li[starts-with(@class, "tip")]');
      foreach ($rendered_tips as $rendered_tip) {
        $attributes = (array) $rendered_tip
        $tips[] = $attributes['@attributes'];

    // If the tips are still empty we need to fail.
    if (empty($tips)) {
        ->fail('Could not find tour tips on the current page.');
    else {

      // Check for corresponding page elements.
      $total = 0;
      $modals = 0;
      foreach ($tips as $tip) {
        if (!empty($tip['data-id'])) {
          $elements = \PHPUnit_Util_XML::cssSelect('#' . $tip['data-id'], TRUE, $this->content, TRUE);
            ->assertTrue(!empty($elements) && count($elements) === 1, format_string('Found corresponding page element for tour tip with id #%data-id', array(
            '%data-id' => $tip['data-id'],
        else {
          if (!empty($tip['data-class'])) {
            $elements = \PHPUnit_Util_XML::cssSelect('.' . $tip['data-class'], TRUE, $this->content, TRUE);
              ->assertFalse(empty($elements), format_string('Found corresponding page element for tour tip with class .%data-class', array(
              '%data-class' => $tip['data-class'],
          else {

            // It's a modal.
        ->pass(format_string('Total %total Tips tested of which %modals modal(s).', array(
        '%total' => $total,
        '%modals' => $modals,



Namesort descending Description
TourTestBase Base class for testing Tour functionality.