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public function ToolbarCacheContextsTest::testToolbarCacheContextsCaller in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/toolbar/src/Tests/ToolbarCacheContextsTest.php \Drupal\toolbar\Tests\ToolbarCacheContextsTest::testToolbarCacheContextsCaller()

Tests toolbar cache contexts.


core/modules/toolbar/src/Tests/ToolbarCacheContextsTest.php, line 70
Contains \Drupal\toolbar\Tests\ToolbarCacheContextsTest.


Tests the cache contexts for toolbar.




public function testToolbarCacheContextsCaller() {

  // Test with default combination and permission to see toolbar.
  ], 'Expected cache contexts found for default combination and permission to see toolbar.');

  // Test without user toolbar tab. User module is a required module so we have to
  // manually remove the user toolbar tab.
  ], 'Expected cache contexts found without user toolbar tab.');

  // Test with the toolbar and contextual enabled.
  $this->adminUser2 = $this
    ->drupalCreateUser(array_merge($this->perms, [
    'access contextual links',
  ], 'Expected cache contexts found with contextual module enabled.');

  // Test with the tour module enabled.
  $this->adminUser2 = $this
    ->drupalCreateUser(array_merge($this->perms, [
    'access tour',
  ], 'Expected cache contexts found with tour module enabled.');

  // Test with shortcut module enabled.
  $this->adminUser2 = $this
    ->drupalCreateUser(array_merge($this->perms, [
    'access shortcuts',
    'administer shortcuts',
  ], 'Expected cache contexts found with shortcut module enabled.');