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TypedDataTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0

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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\TypedData\TypedDataTest.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\TypedData;

use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\DataDefinition;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\ListDataDefinition;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\MapDataDefinition;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface;
use Drupal\simpletest\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime;

 * Tests the functionality of all core data types.
 * @group TypedData
class TypedDataTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * The typed data manager to use.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataManager
  protected $typedDataManager;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->typedDataManager = $this->container

   * Creates a typed data object and ensures it implements TypedDataInterface.
   * @see \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataManager::create().
  protected function createTypedData($definition, $value = NULL, $name = NULL) {
    if (is_array($definition)) {
      $definition = DataDefinition::create($definition['type']);
    $data = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, $value, $name);
      ->assertTrue($data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of the typed data interface.');
    return $data;

   * Tests the basics around constructing and working with typed data objects.
  public function testGetAndSet() {

    // Boolean type.
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'boolean',
    ), TRUE);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\BooleanInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of BooleanInterface.');
      ->getValue() === TRUE, 'Boolean value was fetched.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getValue() === FALSE, 'Boolean value was changed.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getString()), 'Boolean value was converted to string');
      ->getValue(), 'Boolean wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // String type.
    $value = $this
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'string',
    ), $value);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\StringInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of StringInterface.');
      ->getValue() === $value, 'String value was fetched.');
      ->count(), 0);
    $new_value = $this
      ->getValue() === $new_value, 'String value was changed.');
      ->count(), 0);

    // Funky test.
      ->getString()), 'String value was converted to string');
      ->getValue(), 'String wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      'no string',
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // Integer type.
    $value = rand();
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'integer',
    ), $value);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\IntegerInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of IntegerInterface.');
      ->getValue() === $value, 'Integer value was fetched.');
      ->count(), 0);
    $new_value = rand();
      ->getValue() === $new_value, 'Integer value was changed.');
      ->getString()), 'Integer value was converted to string');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'Integer wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // Float type.
    $value = 123.45;
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'float',
    ), $value);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\FloatInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of FloatInterface.');
      ->getValue() === $value, 'Float value was fetched.');
      ->count(), 0);
    $new_value = 678.9;
      ->getValue() === $new_value, 'Float value was changed.');
      ->getString()), 'Float value was converted to string');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'Float wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // Date Time type.
    $value = '2014-01-01T20:00:00+00:00';
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'datetime_iso8601',
    ), $value);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\DateTimeInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of DateTimeInterface.');
      ->getValue() == $value, 'Date value was fetched.');
      ->getValue(), $typed_data
      ->format('c'), 'Value representation of a date is ISO 8601');
      ->count(), 0);
    $new_value = '2014-01-02T20:00:00+00:00';
      ->format('c') === $new_value, 'Date value was changed and set by an ISO8601 date.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->format('Y-m-d') == '2014-01-02', 'Date value was changed and set by date string.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getDateTime(), 'Date wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // Check implementation of DateTimeInterface.
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'datetime_iso8601',
    ), '2014-01-01T20:00:00+00:00');
      ->getDateTime() instanceof DrupalDateTime);
      ->setDateTime(new DrupalDateTime('2014-01-02T20:00:00+00:00'));
      ->getValue(), '2014-01-02T20:00:00+00:00');

    // Timestamp type.
    $value = REQUEST_TIME;
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'timestamp',
    ), $value);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\DateTimeInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of DateTimeInterface.');
      ->getValue() == $value, 'Timestamp value was fetched.');
      ->count(), 0);
    $new_value = REQUEST_TIME + 1;
      ->getValue() === $new_value, 'Timestamp value was changed and set.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getDateTime(), 'Timestamp wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // Check implementation of DateTimeInterface.
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'timestamp',
      ->getDateTime() instanceof DrupalDateTime);
      ->setDateTime(DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp(REQUEST_TIME + 1));
      ->getValue(), REQUEST_TIME + 1);

    // DurationIso8601 type.
    $value = 'PT20S';
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'duration_iso8601',
    ), $value);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\DurationInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of DurationInterface.');
      ->getValue(), $value, 'DurationIso8601 value was fetched.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getDuration()->d, 40, 'DurationIso8601 value was changed and set by duration string.');
      ->getString()), 'DurationIso8601 value was converted to string');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'DurationIso8601 wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // Check implementation of DurationInterface.
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'duration_iso8601',
    ), 'PT20S');
      ->getDuration() instanceof \DateInterval);
      ->setDuration(new \DateInterval('P40D'));

    // @todo: Should we make this "nicer"?
      ->getValue(), 'P0Y0M40DT0H0M0S');

    // Time span type.
    $value = 20;
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'timespan',
    ), $value);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\DurationInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of DurationInterface.');
      ->getValue(), $value, 'Time span value was fetched.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->setValue(60 * 60 * 4);
      ->getDuration()->s, 14400, 'Time span was changed');
      ->getString()), 'Time span value was converted to string');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'Time span wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // Check implementation of DurationInterface.
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'timespan',
    ), 20);
      ->getDuration() instanceof \DateInterval);
      ->setDuration(new \DateInterval('PT4H'));
      ->getValue(), 60 * 60 * 4);

    // URI type.
    $uri = '';
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'uri',
    ), $uri);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\UriInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of UriInterface.');
      ->getValue() === $uri, 'URI value was fetched.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->setValue($uri . 'bar.txt');
      ->getValue() === $uri . 'bar.txt', 'URI value was changed.');
      ->getString()), 'URI value was converted to string');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'URI wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');
      ->setValue('public://field/image/Photo on 4-28-14 at 12.01 PM.jpg');
      ->count(), 0, 'Filename with spaces is valid.');

    // Generate some files that will be used to test the binary data type.
    $files = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
      $path = "public://example_{$i}.png";
      file_unmanaged_copy(\Drupal::root() . '/core/misc/druplicon.png', $path);
      $image = entity_create('file', array(
        'uri' => $path,
      $files[] = $image;

    // Email type.
    $value = $this
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'email',
    ), $value);
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\StringInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of StringInterface.');
      ->getValue(), $value, 'Email value was fetched.');
    $new_value = '';
      ->getValue(), $new_value, 'Email value was changed.');
      ->getString()), 'Email value was converted to string');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'Email wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // Binary type.
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'binary',
    ), $files[0]
      ->assertTrue($typed_data instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\BinaryInterface, 'Typed data object is an instance of BinaryInterface.');
      ->getValue()), 'Binary value was fetched.');
      ->count(), 0);

    // Try setting by URI.
      ->getValue()), fgets(fopen($files[1]
      ->getFileUri(), 'r')), 'Binary value was changed.');
      ->getString()), 'Binary value was converted to string');
      ->count(), 0);

    // Try setting by resource.
      ->getFileUri(), 'r'));
      ->getValue()), fgets(fopen($files[2]
      ->getFileUri(), 'r')), 'Binary value was changed.');
      ->getString()), 'Binary value was converted to string');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'Binary wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->count(), 1, 'Validation detected invalid value.');

    // Any type.
    $value = array(
    $typed_data = $this
      'type' => 'any',
    ), $value);
      ->getValue(), $value, 'Any value was fetched.');
    $new_value = '';
      ->getValue(), $new_value, 'Any value was changed.');
      ->getString()), 'Any value was converted to string');
      ->count(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'Any wrapper is null-able.');
      ->count(), 0);

    // We cannot test invalid values as everything is valid for the any type,
    // but make sure an array or object value passes validation also.
      ->count(), 0);
      ->setValue((object) array(
      ->count(), 0);

   * Tests using typed data lists.
  public function testTypedDataLists() {

    // Test working with an existing list of strings.
    $value = array(
    $typed_data = $this
      ->createTypedData(ListDataDefinition::create('string'), $value);
      ->getValue(), $value, 'List value has been set.');

    // Test iterating.
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($typed_data as $item) {
        ->assertTrue($item instanceof TypedDataInterface);
      ->assertEqual($count, 3);

    // Test getting the string representation.
      ->getString(), 'one, two, three');
    $typed_data[1] = '';
      ->getString(), 'one, three');

    // Test using array access.
      ->getValue(), 'one');
    $typed_data[] = 'four';
      ->getValue(), 'four');
      ->count(), 4);

    // Test isEmpty and cloning.
    $clone = clone $typed_data;
      ->getValue() === $clone
      ->assertTrue($typed_data[0] !== $clone[0]);

    // Make sure that resetting the value using NULL results in an empty array.
      ->getValue(), array());
      ->getValue(), array());

    // Test dealing with NULL items.
    $typed_data[] = NULL;
      ->assertEqual(count($typed_data), 1);
    $typed_data[] = '';
      ->assertEqual(count($typed_data), 2);
    $typed_data[] = 'three';
      ->assertEqual(count($typed_data), 3);
      ->getValue(), array(

    // Test unsetting.
      ->assertEqual(count($typed_data), 2);

    // Check that items were shifted.
      ->getValue(), 'three');

    // Getting a not set list item returns NULL, and does not create a new item.
      ->assertEqual(count($typed_data), 2);

    // Test setting the list with less values.
      ->count(), 1);

    // Test setting invalid values.
    try {
        ->fail('No exception has been thrown when setting an invalid value.');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->pass('Exception thrown:' . $e

   * Tests the filter() method on typed data lists.
  public function testTypedDataListsFilter() {

    // Check that an all-pass filter leaves the list untouched.
    $value = array(
    $typed_data = $this
      ->createTypedData(ListDataDefinition::create('string'), $value);
      ->filter(function (TypedDataInterface $item) {
      return TRUE;
      ->count(), 2);
      ->getValue(), 'zero');
      ->getName(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'one');
      ->getName(), 1);

    // Check that a none-pass filter empties the list.
    $value = array(
    $typed_data = $this
      ->createTypedData(ListDataDefinition::create('string'), $value);
      ->filter(function (TypedDataInterface $item) {
      return FALSE;
      ->count(), 0);

    // Check that filtering correctly renumbers elements.
    $value = array(
    $typed_data = $this
      ->createTypedData(ListDataDefinition::create('string'), $value);
      ->filter(function (TypedDataInterface $item) {
      return $item
        ->getValue() !== 'one';
      ->count(), 2);
      ->getValue(), 'zero');
      ->getName(), 0);
      ->getValue(), 'two');
      ->getName(), 1);

   * Tests using a typed data map.
  public function testTypedDataMaps() {

    // Test working with a simple map.
    $value = array(
      'one' => 'eins',
      'two' => 'zwei',
      'three' => 'drei',
    $definition = MapDataDefinition::create()
      ->setPropertyDefinition('one', DataDefinition::create('string'))
      ->setPropertyDefinition('two', DataDefinition::create('string'))
      ->setPropertyDefinition('three', DataDefinition::create('string'));
    $typed_data = $this
      ->createTypedData($definition, $value);

    // Test iterating.
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($typed_data as $item) {
        ->assertTrue($item instanceof \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface);
      ->assertEqual($count, 3);

    // Test retrieving metadata.
      ->getPropertyDefinitions()), array_keys($value));
    $definition = $typed_data
      ->getDataType(), 'string');

    // Test getting and setting properties.
      ->getValue(), 'eins');
      ->toArray(), $value);
      ->set('one', 'uno');
      ->getValue(), 'uno');

    // Make sure the update is reflected in the value of the map also.
    $value = $typed_data
      ->assertEqual($value, array(
      'one' => 'uno',
      'two' => 'zwei',
      'three' => 'drei',
    $properties = $typed_data
      ->assertEqual(array_keys($properties), array_keys($value));
      ->assertIdentical($properties['one'], $typed_data
      ->get('one'), 'Properties are identical.');

    // Test setting a not defined property. It shouldn't show up in the
    // properties, but be kept in the values.
      'foo' => 'bar',
      ->getProperties()), array(
      ->getValue()), array(

    // Test getting the string representation.
      'one' => 'eins',
      'two' => '',
      'three' => 'drei',
      ->getString(), 'eins, drei');

    // Test isEmpty and cloning.
    $clone = clone $typed_data;
      ->getValue() === $clone
      ->get('one') !== $clone

    // Make sure the difference between NULL (not set) and an empty array is
    // kept.
    $value = $typed_data
      ->assertTrue(isset($value) && is_array($value));

    // Test accessing invalid properties.
    try {
        ->fail('No exception has been thrown when getting an invalid value.');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->pass('Exception thrown:' . $e

    // Test setting invalid values.
    try {
        ->fail('No exception has been thrown when setting an invalid value.');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->pass('Exception thrown:' . $e

    // Test adding a new property to the map.
      ->setPropertyDefinition('zero', DataDefinition::create('any'));
      ->set('zero', 'null');
      ->getValue(), 'null');
    $definition = $typed_data
      ->getDataType(), 'any', 'Definition for a new map entry returned.');

   * Tests typed data validation.
  public function testTypedDataValidation() {
    $definition = DataDefinition::create('integer')
      'Range' => array(
        'min' => 5,
    $violations = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, 10)
      ->count(), 0);
    $integer = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, 1);
    $violations = $integer
      ->count(), 1);

    // Test translating violation messages.
    $message = t('This value should be %limit or more.', array(
      '%limit' => 5,
      ->getMessage(), $message, 'Translated violation message retrieved.');
      ->getPropertyPath(), '');
      ->getRoot(), $integer, 'Root object returned.');

    // Test translating violation messages when pluralization is used.
    $definition = DataDefinition::create('string')
      'Length' => array(
        'min' => 10,
    $violations = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, "short")
      ->count(), 1);
    $message = t('This value is too short. It should have %limit characters or more.', array(
      '%limit' => 10,
      ->getMessage(), $message, 'Translated violation message retrieved.');

    // Test having multiple violations.
    $definition = DataDefinition::create('integer')
      'Range' => array(
        'min' => 5,
      'Null' => array(),
    $violations = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, 10)
      ->count(), 1);
    $violations = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, 1)
      ->count(), 2);

    // Test validating property containers and make sure the NotNull and Null
    // constraints work with typed data containers.
    $definition = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
      'NotNull' => array(),
    $field_item = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, array(
      'value' => 10,
    $violations = $field_item
      ->count(), 0);
    $field_item = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, array(
      'value' => 'no integer',
    $violations = $field_item
      ->count(), 1);
      ->getPropertyPath(), '0.value');

    // Test that the field item may not be empty.
    $field_item = $this->typedDataManager
    $violations = $field_item
      ->count(), 1);

    // Test the Null constraint with typed data containers.
    $definition = BaseFieldDefinition::create('float')
      'Null' => array(),
    $field_item = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, array(
      'value' => 11.5,
    $violations = $field_item
      ->count(), 1);
    $field_item = $this->typedDataManager
    $violations = $field_item
      ->count(), 0);

    // Test getting constraint definitions by type.
    $definitions = $this->typedDataManager
      ->assertTrue(isset($definitions['EntityType']), 'Constraint plugin found for type entity.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($definitions['Null']), 'Constraint plugin found for type entity.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($definitions['NotNull']), 'Constraint plugin found for type entity.');
    $definitions = $this->typedDataManager
      ->assertFalse(isset($definitions['EntityType']), 'Constraint plugin not found for type string.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($definitions['Null']), 'Constraint plugin found for type string.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($definitions['NotNull']), 'Constraint plugin found for type string.');

    // Test automatic 'required' validation.
    $definition = DataDefinition::create('integer')
    $violations = $this->typedDataManager
      ->count(), 1);
    $violations = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, 0)
      ->count(), 0);

    // Test validating a list of a values and make sure property paths starting
    // with "0" are created.
    $definition = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer');
    $violations = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, array(
        'value' => 10,
      ->count(), 0);
    $violations = $this->typedDataManager
      ->create($definition, array(
        'value' => 'string',
      ->count(), 1);
      ->getInvalidValue(), 'string');
      ->getPropertyPath(), '0.value');



Namesort descending Description
TypedDataTest Tests the functionality of all core data types.