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function TokenScanTest::testTokenScan in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/system/src/Tests/System/TokenScanTest.php \Drupal\system\Tests\System\TokenScanTest::testTokenScan()

Scans dummy text, then tests the output.


core/modules/system/src/Tests/System/TokenScanTest.php, line 22
Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\System\TokenScanTest.


Scan token-like patterns in a dummy text to check token scanning.




function testTokenScan() {

  // Define text with valid and not valid, fake and existing token-like
  // strings.
  $text = 'First a [valid:simple], but dummy token, and a dummy [valid:token with: spaces].';
  $text .= 'Then a [not valid:token].';
  $text .= 'Then an [:empty token type].';
  $text .= 'Then an [empty token:].';
  $text .= 'Then a totally empty token: [:].';
  $text .= 'Last an existing token: [node:author:name].';
  $token_wannabes = \Drupal::token()
    ->assertTrue(isset($token_wannabes['valid']['simple']), 'A simple valid token has been matched.');
    ->assertTrue(isset($token_wannabes['valid']['token with: spaces']), 'A valid token with space characters in the token name has been matched.');
    ->assertFalse(isset($token_wannabes['not valid']), 'An invalid token with spaces in the token type has not been matched.');
    ->assertFalse(isset($token_wannabes['empty token']), 'An empty token has not been matched.');
    ->assertFalse(isset($token_wannabes['']['empty token type']), 'An empty token type has not been matched.');
    ->assertFalse(isset($token_wannabes['']['']), 'An empty token and type has not been matched.');
    ->assertTrue(isset($token_wannabes['node']), 'An existing valid token has been matched.');