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public function RequestPathTest::testConditions in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/system/src/Tests/Plugin/Condition/RequestPathTest.php \Drupal\system\Tests\Plugin\Condition\RequestPathTest::testConditions()

Tests the request path condition.


core/modules/system/src/Tests/Plugin/Condition/RequestPathTest.php, line 84
Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Plugin\Condition\RequestPathTest.


Tests that the Request Path Condition, provided by the system module, is working properly.




public function testConditions() {

  // Get the request path condition and test and configure it to check against
  // different patterns and requests.
  $pages = "/my/pass/page\r\n/my/pass/page2\r\n/foo";
  $request = Request::create('/my/pass/page2');

  /* @var \Drupal\system\Plugin\Condition\RequestPath $condition */
  $condition = $this->pluginManager
    ->setConfig('pages', $pages);
    ->addAlias('/my/pass/page2', '/my/pass/page2');
    ->execute(), 'The request path matches a standard path');
    ->summary(), 'Return true on the following pages: /my/pass/page, /my/pass/page2, /foo', 'The condition summary matches for a standard path');

  // Test an aliased path.
    ->setPath('/my/aliased/page', $request);
    ->addAlias('/my/aliased/page', '/my/pass/page');
    ->execute(), 'The request path matches an aliased path');
    ->summary(), 'Return true on the following pages: /my/pass/page, /my/pass/page2, /foo', 'The condition summary matches for an aliased path');

  // Test a wildcard path.
    ->addAlias('/my/pass/page3', '/my/pass/page3');
    ->setPath('/my/pass/page3', $request);
    ->setConfig('pages', '/my/pass/*');
    ->evaluate(), 'The system_path my/pass/page3 passes for wildcard paths.');
    ->summary(), 'Return true on the following pages: /my/pass/*', 'The condition summary matches for a wildcard path');

  // Test a missing path.
    ->setPath('/my/fail/page4', $request);
    ->setConfig('pages', '/my/pass/*');
    ->addAlias('/my/fail/page4', '/my/fail/page4');
    ->evaluate(), 'The system_path /my/pass/page4 fails for a missing path.');