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MailTest.php in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/system/src/Tests/Mail/MailTest.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Mail\MailTest.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Mail;

use Drupal\Core\Mail\Plugin\Mail\TestMailCollector;
use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;
use Drupal\system_mail_failure_test\Plugin\Mail\TestPhpMailFailure;

 * Performs tests on the pluggable mailing framework.
 * @group Mail
class MailTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(

   * Assert that the pluggable mail system is functional.
  public function testPluggableFramework() {

    // Switch mail backends.
      ->set('interface.default', 'test_php_mail_failure')

    // Get the default MailInterface class instance.
    $mail_backend = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.mail')
      'module' => 'default',
      'key' => 'default',

    // Assert whether the default mail backend is an instance of the expected
    // class.
      ->assertTrue($mail_backend instanceof TestPhpMailFailure, 'Default mail interface can be swapped.');

    // Add a module-specific mail backend.
      ->set('interface.mymodule_testkey', 'test_mail_collector')

    // Get the added MailInterface class instance.
    $mail_backend = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.mail')
      'module' => 'mymodule',
      'key' => 'testkey',

    // Assert whether the added mail backend is an instance of the expected
    // class.
      ->assertTrue($mail_backend instanceof TestMailCollector, 'Additional mail interfaces can be added.');

   * Test that message sending may be canceled.
   * @see simpletest_mail_alter()
  public function testCancelMessage() {
    $language_interface = \Drupal::languageManager()

    // Use the state system collector mail backend.
      ->set('interface.default', 'test_mail_collector')

    // Reset the state variable that holds sent messages.
      ->set('system.test_mail_collector', array());

    // Send a test message that simpletest_mail_alter should cancel.
      ->mail('simpletest', 'cancel_test', '', $language_interface

    // Retrieve sent message.
    $captured_emails = \Drupal::state()
    $sent_message = end($captured_emails);

    // Assert that the message was not actually sent.
      ->assertFalse($sent_message, 'Message was canceled.');

   * Checks the From: and Reply-to: headers.
  public function testFromAndReplyToHeader() {
    $language = \Drupal::languageManager()

    // Use the state system collector mail backend.
      ->set('interface.default', 'test_mail_collector')

    // Reset the state variable that holds sent messages.
      ->set('system.test_mail_collector', array());

    // Send an email with a reply-to address specified.
    $from_email = 'Drupal <>';
    $reply_email = '';
      ->mail('simpletest', 'from_test', '', $language, array(), $reply_email);

    // Test that the reply-to email is just the email and not the site name
    // and default sender email.
    $captured_emails = \Drupal::state()
    $sent_message = end($captured_emails);
      ->assertEqual($from_email, $sent_message['headers']['From'], 'Message is sent from the site email account.');
      ->assertEqual($reply_email, $sent_message['headers']['Reply-to'], 'Message reply-to headers are set.');
      ->assertFalse(isset($sent_message['headers']['Errors-To']), 'Errors-to header must not be set, it is deprecated.');

    // Send an email and check that the From-header contains the site name.
      ->mail('simpletest', 'from_test', '', $language);
    $captured_emails = \Drupal::state()
    $sent_message = end($captured_emails);
      ->assertEqual($from_email, $sent_message['headers']['From'], 'Message is sent from the site email account.');
      ->assertFalse(isset($sent_message['headers']['Reply-to']), 'Message reply-to is not set if not specified.');
      ->assertFalse(isset($sent_message['headers']['Errors-To']), 'Errors-to header must not be set, it is deprecated.');



Namesort descending Description
MailTest Performs tests on the pluggable mailing framework.