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StateValuesCleanAdvancedTest.php in Zircon Profile 8


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Form\StateValuesCleanAdvancedTest.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Form;

use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Tests proper removal of submitted form values using
 * \Drupal\Core\Form\FormState::cleanValues() when having forms with elements
 * containing buttons like "managed_file".
 * @group Form
class StateValuesCleanAdvancedTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(

   * An image file path for uploading.
  protected $image;

   * Tests \Drupal\Core\Form\FormState::cleanValues().
  function testFormStateValuesCleanAdvanced() {

    // Get an image for uploading.
    $image_files = $this
    $this->image = current($image_files);

    // Check if the physical file is there.
      ->assertTrue(is_file($this->image->uri), "The image file we're going to upload exists.");

    // "Browse" for the desired file.
    $edit = array(
      'files[image]' => drupal_realpath($this->image->uri),

    // Post the form.
      ->drupalPostForm('form_test/form-state-values-clean-advanced', $edit, t('Submit'));

    // Expecting a 200 HTTP code.
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Received a 200 response for posted test file.');
      ->assertRaw(t('You WIN!'), 'Found the success message.');



Namesort descending Description
StateValuesCleanAdvancedTest Tests proper removal of submitted form values using \Drupal\Core\Form\FormState::cleanValues() when having forms with elements containing buttons like "managed_file".