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function ReadOnlyStreamWrapperTest::testReadOnlyBehavior in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/system/src/Tests/File/ReadOnlyStreamWrapperTest.php \Drupal\system\Tests\File\ReadOnlyStreamWrapperTest::testReadOnlyBehavior()

Test read-only specific behavior.


core/modules/system/src/Tests/File/ReadOnlyStreamWrapperTest.php, line 34
Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\File\ReadOnlyStreamWrapperTest.


Tests the read-only stream wrapper write functions.




function testReadOnlyBehavior() {

  // Generate a test file
  $filename = $this
  $site_path = $this->container
  $filepath = $site_path . '/files/' . $filename;
  file_put_contents($filepath, $filename);

  // Generate a read-only stream wrapper instance
  $uri = $this->scheme . '://' . $filename;

  // Attempt to open a file in read/write mode
  $handle = @fopen($uri, 'r+');
    ->assertFalse($handle, 'Unable to open a file for reading and writing with the read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to open a file in binary read mode
  $handle = fopen($uri, 'rb');
    ->assertTrue($handle, 'Able to open a file for reading in binary mode with the read-only stream wrapper.');
    ->assertTrue(fclose($handle), 'Able to close file opened in binary mode using the read_only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to open a file in text read mode
  $handle = fopen($uri, 'rt');
    ->assertTrue($handle, 'Able to open a file for reading in text mode with the read-only stream wrapper.');
    ->assertTrue(fclose($handle), 'Able to close file opened in text mode using the read_only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to open a file in read mode
  $handle = fopen($uri, 'r');
    ->assertTrue($handle, 'Able to open a file for reading with the read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to change file permissions
    ->assertFalse(@chmod($uri, 0777), 'Unable to change file permissions when using read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to acquire an exclusive lock for writing
    ->assertFalse(@flock($handle, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB), 'Unable to acquire an exclusive lock using the read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to obtain a shared lock
    ->assertTrue(flock($handle, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB), 'Able to acquire a shared lock using the read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to release a shared lock
    ->assertTrue(flock($handle, LOCK_UN | LOCK_NB), 'Able to release a shared lock using the read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to truncate the file
    ->assertFalse(@ftruncate($handle, 0), 'Unable to truncate using the read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to write to the file
    ->assertFalse(@fwrite($handle, $this
    ->randomMachineName()), 'Unable to write to file using the read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to flush output to the file
    ->assertFalse(@fflush($handle), 'Unable to flush output to file using the read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Attempt to close the stream.  (Suppress errors, as fclose triggers fflush.)
    ->assertTrue(fclose($handle), 'Able to close file using the read_only stream wrapper.');

  // Test the rename() function
    ->assertFalse(@rename($uri, $this->scheme . '://newname.txt'), 'Unable to rename files using the read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Test the unlink() function
    ->assertTrue(@drupal_unlink($uri), 'Able to unlink file using read-only stream wrapper.');
    ->assertTrue(file_exists($filepath), 'Unlink File was not actually deleted.');

  // Test the mkdir() function by attempting to create a directory.
  $dirname = $this
  $dir = $site_path . '/files/' . $dirname;
  $readonlydir = $this->scheme . '://' . $dirname;
    ->assertFalse(@drupal_mkdir($readonlydir, 0775, 0), 'Unable to create directory with read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Create a temporary directory for testing purposes
    ->assertTrue(drupal_mkdir($dir), 'Test directory created.');

  // Test the rmdir() function by attempting to remove the directory.
    ->assertFalse(@drupal_rmdir($readonlydir), 'Unable to delete directory with read-only stream wrapper.');

  // Remove the temporary directory.