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protected function EntityFieldTest::doTestIntrospection in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/system/src/Tests/Entity/EntityFieldTest.php \Drupal\system\Tests\Entity\EntityFieldTest::doTestIntrospection()

Executes the introspection tests for the given entity type.


string $entity_type: The entity type to run the tests with.

1 call to EntityFieldTest::doTestIntrospection()
EntityFieldTest::testIntrospection in core/modules/system/src/Tests/Entity/EntityFieldTest.php
Tests introspection and getting metadata upfront.


core/modules/system/src/Tests/Entity/EntityFieldTest.php, line 399
Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Entity\EntityFieldTest.


Tests the Entity Field API.




protected function doTestIntrospection($entity_type) {

  // Test getting metadata upfront. The entity types used for this test have
  // a default bundle that is the same as the entity type.
  $definitions = \Drupal::entityManager()
    ->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type, $entity_type);
    ->getType(), 'string', $entity_type . ': Name field found.');
    ->getType(), 'entity_reference', $entity_type . ': User field found.');
    ->getType(), 'text', $entity_type . ': Test-text-field field found.');

  // Test deriving further metadata.
    ->assertTrue($definitions['name'] instanceof FieldDefinitionInterface);
  $field_item_definition = $definitions['name']
    ->assertTrue($field_item_definition instanceof ComplexDataDefinitionInterface);
    ->getDataType(), 'field_item:string');
  $value_definition = $field_item_definition
    ->assertTrue($value_definition instanceof DataDefinitionInterface);
    ->getDataType(), 'string');

  // Test deriving metadata from references.
  $entity_definition = \Drupal\Core\Entity\TypedData\EntityDataDefinition::create($entity_type);
  $langcode_key = $this->entityManager
  $reference_definition = $entity_definition
    ->getDataType(), 'language');
  $reference_definition = $entity_definition
    ->assertTrue($reference_definition instanceof \Drupal\Core\Entity\TypedData\EntityDataDefinitionInterface, 'Definition of the referenced user retrieved.');
    ->getEntityTypeId(), 'user', 'Referenced entity is of type "user".');

  // Test propagating down.
  $name_definition = $reference_definition
    ->assertTrue($name_definition instanceof FieldDefinitionInterface);
    ->getDataType(), 'string');

  // Test introspecting an entity object.
  // @todo: Add bundles and test bundles as well.
  $entity = entity_create($entity_type);
  $definitions = $entity
    ->getType(), 'string', $entity_type . ': Name field found.');
    ->getType(), 'entity_reference', $entity_type . ': User field found.');
    ->getType(), 'text', $entity_type . ': Test-text-field field found.');
  $name_properties = $entity->name
    ->getDataType(), 'string', $entity_type . ': String value property of the name found.');
  $userref_properties = $entity->user_id
    ->getDataType(), 'integer', $entity_type . ': Entity id property of the user found.');
    ->getDataType(), 'entity_reference', $entity_type . ': Entity reference property of the user found.');
  $textfield_properties = $entity->field_test_text
    ->getDataType(), 'string', $entity_type . ': String value property of the test-text field found.');
    ->getDataType(), 'filter_format', $entity_type . ': String format field of the test-text field found.');
    ->getDataType(), 'string', $entity_type . ': String processed property of the test-text field found.');

  // Make sure provided contextual information is right.
  $entity_adapter = $entity
    ->getRoot(), $entity_adapter, 'Entity is root object.');
    ->getPropertyPath(), '');
    ->getName(), '');
    ->getParent(), NULL);
  $field = $entity->user_id;
    ->getValue(), $entity, 'Entity is root object.');
    ->getEntity(), $entity, 'getEntity() returns the entity.');
    ->getPropertyPath(), 'user_id');
    ->getName(), 'user_id');
    ->getValue(), $entity, 'Parent object matches.');
  $field_item = $field[0];
    ->getValue(), $entity, 'Entity is root object.');
    ->getEntity(), $entity, 'getEntity() returns the entity.');
    ->getPropertyPath(), 'user_id.0');
    ->getName(), '0');
    ->getParent(), $field, 'Parent object matches.');
  $item_value = $field_item
    ->getValue(), $entity, 'Entity is root object.');
    ->getPropertyPath(), 'user_id.0.entity');
    ->getName(), 'entity');
    ->getParent(), $field_item, 'Parent object matches.');