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public function ContentEntityChangedTest::testChanged in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/system/src/Tests/Entity/ContentEntityChangedTest.php \Drupal\system\Tests\Entity\ContentEntityChangedTest::testChanged()

Tests basic EntityChangedInterface functionality.


core/modules/system/src/Tests/Entity/ContentEntityChangedTest.php, line 62
Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Entity\ContentEntityChangedTest.


Tests basic EntityChangedInterface functionality.




public function testChanged() {
  $user1 = $this
  $user2 = $this

  // Create a test entity.
  $entity = EntityTestMulChanged::create(array(
    'name' => $this
    'user_id' => $user1
    'language' => 'en',
    ->getChangedTime() >= REQUEST_TIME, 'Changed time of original language is valid.');

  // We can't assert equality here because the created time is set to the
  // request time, while instances of ChangedTestItem use the current
  // timestamp every time. Therefor we check if the changed timestamp is
  // between the created time and now.
    ->getChangedTime() >= $entity
    ->get('created')->value && $entity
    ->getChangedTime() - $entity
    ->get('created')->value <= time() - REQUEST_TIME, 'Changed and created time of original language can be assumed to be identical.');
    ->getChangedTime(), $entity
    ->getChangedTimeAcrossTranslations(), 'Changed time of original language is the same as changed time across all translations.');
  $changed_en = $entity

  /** @var \Drupal\entity_test\Entity\EntityTestMulRevChanged $german */
  $german = $entity
    ->getChangedTime(), $changed_en, 'Changed time of original language did not change.');
    ->getChangedTime() > $entity
    ->getChangedTime(), 'Changed time of the German translation is newer then the original language.');
    ->getChangedTime(), $entity
    ->getChangedTimeAcrossTranslations(), 'Changed time of the German translation is the newest time across all translations.');
  $changed_de = $german
    ->getChangedTime(), $changed_en, 'Changed time of original language did not change.');
    ->getChangedTime(), $changed_de, 'Changed time of the German translation did not change.');
    ->getChangedTime() > $changed_en, 'Changed time of original language did change.');
    ->getChangedTime(), $changed_de, 'Changed time of the German translation did not change.');
    ->getChangedTime() > $german
    ->getChangedTime(), 'Changed time of original language is newer then the German translation.');
    ->getChangedTime(), $entity
    ->getChangedTimeAcrossTranslations(), 'Changed time of the original language is the newest time across all translations.');
  $changed_en = $entity

  // Save entity without any changes.
    ->getChangedTime(), $changed_en, 'Changed time of original language did not change.');
    ->getChangedTime(), $changed_de, 'Changed time of the German translation did not change.');

  // At this point the changed time of the original language (en) is newer
  // than the changed time of the German translation. Now test that entity
  // queries work as expected.
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_en)
    ->assertEqual(reset($ids), $entity
    ->id(), 'Entity query can access changed time of original language.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_en, '=', 'en')
    ->assertEqual(reset($ids), $entity
    ->id(), 'Entity query can access changed time of original language by setting the original language as condition.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_de, '=', 'en')
    ->assertFalse($ids, 'There\'s no original entity stored having the changed time of the German translation.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_en)
    ->condition('default_langcode', '1')
    ->assertEqual(reset($ids), $entity
    ->id(), 'Entity query can access changed time of default language.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_de)
    ->condition('default_langcode', '1')
    ->assertFalse($ids, 'There\'s no entity stored using the default language having the changed time of the German translation.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_de)
    ->assertEqual(reset($ids), $entity
    ->id(), 'Entity query can access changed time of the German translation.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_de, '=', 'de')
    ->assertEqual(reset($ids), $entity
    ->id(), 'Entity query can access changed time of the German translation.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_en, '=', 'de')
    ->assertFalse($ids, 'There\'s no German translation stored having the changed time of the original language.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_de, '>')
    ->assertEqual(reset($ids), $entity
    ->id(), 'Entity query can access changed time regardless of translation.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_en, '<')
    ->assertEqual(reset($ids), $entity
    ->id(), 'Entity query can access changed time regardless of translation.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', 0, '>')
    ->assertEqual(reset($ids), $entity
    ->id(), 'Entity query can access changed time regardless of translation.');
  $query = $this->mulChangedStorage
  $ids = $query
    ->condition('changed', $changed_en, '>')
    ->assertFalse($ids, 'Entity query can access changed time regardless of translation.');