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namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Database;
class BasicSyntaxTest extends DatabaseTestBase {
function testConcatLiterals() {
$result = db_query('SELECT CONCAT(:a1, CONCAT(:a2, CONCAT(:a3, CONCAT(:a4, :a5))))', array(
':a1' => 'This',
':a2' => ' ',
':a3' => 'is',
':a4' => ' a ',
':a5' => 'test.',
->fetchField(), 'This is a test.', 'Basic CONCAT works.');
function testConcatFields() {
$result = db_query('SELECT CONCAT(:a1, CONCAT(name, CONCAT(:a2, CONCAT(age, :a3)))) FROM {test} WHERE age = :age', array(
':a1' => 'The age of ',
':a2' => ' is ',
':a3' => '.',
':age' => 25,
->fetchField(), 'The age of John is 25.', 'Field CONCAT works.');
function testConcatWsLiterals() {
$result = db_query("SELECT CONCAT_WS(', ', :a1, NULL, :a2, :a3, :a4)", array(
':a1' => 'Hello',
':a2' => NULL,
':a3' => '',
':a4' => 'world.',
->fetchField(), 'Hello, , world.');
function testConcatWsFields() {
$result = db_query("SELECT CONCAT_WS('-', :a1, name, :a2, age) FROM {test} WHERE age = :age", array(
':a1' => 'name',
':a2' => 'age',
':age' => 25,
->fetchField(), 'name-John-age-25');
function testLikeEscape() {
'name' => 'Ring_',
$num_matches = db_select('test', 't')
->condition('name', 'Ring_', 'LIKE')
->assertIdentical($num_matches, '2', 'Found 2 records.');
$num_matches = db_select('test', 't')
->condition('name', db_like('Ring_'), 'LIKE')
->assertIdentical($num_matches, '1', 'Found 1 record.');
function testLikeBackslash() {
'name' => 'abcde\\f',
'name' => 'abc%\\_',
$num_matches = db_select('test', 't')
->condition('name', 'abc%\\\\_', 'LIKE')
->assertIdentical($num_matches, '2', 'Found 2 records.');
$num_matches = db_select('test', 't')
->condition('name', db_like('abc%\\_'), 'LIKE')
->assertIdentical($num_matches, '1', 'Found 1 record.');
public function testGetFullQualifiedTableName() {
$database = \Drupal::database();
$num_matches = $database
->getFullQualifiedTableName('test'), 't')
->assertIdentical($num_matches, '4', 'Found 4 records.');