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public function GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase::testSetGet in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/system/src/Tests/Cache/GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase.php \Drupal\system\Tests\Cache\GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase::testSetGet()

Tests the get and set methods of Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface.

2 calls to GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase::testSetGet()
ApcuBackendUnitTest::testSetGet in core/modules/system/src/Tests/Cache/ApcuBackendUnitTest.php
Tests the get and set methods of Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface.
DatabaseBackendUnitTest::testSetGet in core/modules/system/src/Tests/Cache/DatabaseBackendUnitTest.php
Tests the get and set methods of Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface.
2 methods override GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase::testSetGet()
ApcuBackendUnitTest::testSetGet in core/modules/system/src/Tests/Cache/ApcuBackendUnitTest.php
Tests the get and set methods of Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface.
DatabaseBackendUnitTest::testSetGet in core/modules/system/src/Tests/Cache/DatabaseBackendUnitTest.php
Tests the get and set methods of Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface.


core/modules/system/src/Tests/Cache/GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase.php, line 135
Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Cache\GenericCacheBackendUnitTestBase.


Tests any cache backend.




public function testSetGet() {
  $backend = $this
    ->assertIdentical(FALSE, $backend
    ->get('test1'), "Backend does not contain data for cache id test1.");
  $with_backslash = array(
    'foo' => '\\Drupal\\foo\\Bar',
    ->set('test1', $with_backslash);
  $cached = $backend
    ->assert(is_object($cached), "Backend returned an object for cache id test1.");
    ->assertIdentical($with_backslash, $cached->data);
    ->assertTrue($cached->valid, 'Item is marked as valid.');

  // We need to round because microtime may be rounded up in the backend.
    ->assertTrue($cached->created >= REQUEST_TIME && $cached->created <= round(microtime(TRUE), 3), 'Created time is correct.');
    ->assertEqual($cached->expire, Cache::PERMANENT, 'Expire time is correct.');
    ->assertIdentical(FALSE, $backend
    ->get('test2'), "Backend does not contain data for cache id test2.");
    ->set('test2', array(
    'value' => 3,
  ), REQUEST_TIME + 3);
  $cached = $backend
    ->assert(is_object($cached), "Backend returned an object for cache id test2.");
    'value' => 3,
  ), $cached->data);
    ->assertTrue($cached->valid, 'Item is marked as valid.');
    ->assertTrue($cached->created >= REQUEST_TIME && $cached->created <= round(microtime(TRUE), 3), 'Created time is correct.');
    ->assertEqual($cached->expire, REQUEST_TIME + 3, 'Expire time is correct.');
    ->set('test3', 'foobar', REQUEST_TIME - 3);
    ->get('test3'), 'Invalid item not returned.');
  $cached = $backend
    ->get('test3', TRUE);
    ->assert(is_object($cached), 'Backend returned an object for cache id test3.');
    ->assertFalse($cached->valid, 'Item is marked as valid.');
    ->assertTrue($cached->created >= REQUEST_TIME && $cached->created <= round(microtime(TRUE), 3), 'Created time is correct.');
    ->assertEqual($cached->expire, REQUEST_TIME - 3, 'Expire time is correct.');
    ->assertIdentical(FALSE, $backend
    ->get('test4'), "Backend does not contain data for cache id test4.");
  $with_eof = array(
    'foo' => "\nEOF\ndata",
    ->set('test4', $with_eof);
  $cached = $backend
    ->assert(is_object($cached), "Backend returned an object for cache id test4.");
    ->assertIdentical($with_eof, $cached->data);
    ->assertTrue($cached->valid, 'Item is marked as valid.');
    ->assertTrue($cached->created >= REQUEST_TIME && $cached->created <= round(microtime(TRUE), 3), 'Created time is correct.');
    ->assertEqual($cached->expire, Cache::PERMANENT, 'Expire time is correct.');
    ->assertIdentical(FALSE, $backend
    ->get('test5'), "Backend does not contain data for cache id test5.");
  $with_eof_and_semicolon = array(
    'foo' => "\nEOF;\ndata",
    ->set('test5', $with_eof_and_semicolon);
  $cached = $backend
    ->assert(is_object($cached), "Backend returned an object for cache id test5.");
    ->assertIdentical($with_eof_and_semicolon, $cached->data);
    ->assertTrue($cached->valid, 'Item is marked as valid.');
    ->assertTrue($cached->created >= REQUEST_TIME && $cached->created <= round(microtime(TRUE), 3), 'Created time is correct.');
    ->assertEqual($cached->expire, Cache::PERMANENT, 'Expire time is correct.');
  $with_variable = array(
    'foo' => '$bar',
    ->set('test6', $with_variable);
  $cached = $backend
    ->assert(is_object($cached), "Backend returned an object for cache id test6.");
    ->assertIdentical($with_variable, $cached->data);

  // Make sure that a cached object is not affected by changing the original.
  $data = new \stdClass();
  $data->value = 1;
  $data->obj = new \stdClass();
  $data->obj->value = 2;
    ->set('test7', $data);
  $expected_data = clone $data;

  // Add a property to the original. It should not appear in the cached data.
  $data->this_should_not_be_in_the_cache = TRUE;
  $cached = $backend
    ->assert(is_object($cached), "Backend returned an object for cache id test7.");
    ->assertEqual($expected_data, $cached->data);

  // Add a property to the cache data. It should not appear when we fetch
  // the data from cache again.
  $cached->data->this_should_not_be_in_the_cache = TRUE;
  $fresh_cached = $backend

  // Check with a long key.
  $cid = str_repeat('a', 300);
    ->set($cid, 'test');
    ->assertEqual('test', $backend

  // Check that the cache key is case sensitive.
    ->set('TEST8', 'value');
    ->assertEqual('value', $backend

  // Calling ::set() with invalid cache tags. This should fail an assertion.
  try {
      ->set('assertion_test', 'value', Cache::PERMANENT, [
      'node' => [
      ->fail('::set() was called with invalid cache tags, runtime assertion did not fail.');
  } catch (\AssertionError $e) {
      ->pass('::set() was called with invalid cache tags, runtime assertion failed.');