50 calls to WebTestBase::drupalGetHeader() in Zircon Profile 8
- AggregatorRenderingTest::testBlockLinks in core/
modules/ aggregator/ src/ Tests/ AggregatorRenderingTest.php - Adds a feed block to the page and checks its links.
- AggregatorRenderingTest::testFeedPage in core/
modules/ aggregator/ src/ Tests/ AggregatorRenderingTest.php - Creates a feed and checks that feed's page.
- AjaxFormPageCacheTest::testSimpleAJAXFormValue in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Ajax/ AjaxFormPageCacheTest.php - Create a simple form, then submit the form via AJAX to change to it.
- BasicAuthTest::testBasicAuth in core/
modules/ basic_auth/ src/ Tests/ Authentication/ BasicAuthTest.php - Test http basic authentication.
- BlockTest::testBlockCacheTags in core/
modules/ block/ src/ Tests/ BlockTest.php - Test that cache tags are properly set and bubbled up to the page cache.
- BrowserTest::testCookies in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ Tests/ BrowserTest.php - Tests that cookies set during a request are available for testing.
- ConfigExportUITest::testExport in core/
modules/ config/ src/ Tests/ ConfigExportUITest.php - Tests export of configuration.
- CreateTest::assertReadEntityIdFromHeaderAndDb in core/
modules/ rest/ src/ Tests/ CreateTest.php - Gets the new entity ID from the location header and tries to read it from the database.
- CsrfTest::testBasicAuth in core/
modules/ rest/ src/ Tests/ CsrfTest.php - Tests that CSRF check is not triggered for Basic Auth requests.
- CsrfTest::testCookieAuth in core/
modules/ rest/ src/ Tests/ CsrfTest.php - Tests that CSRF check is triggered for Cookie Auth requests.
- DownloadTest::doPrivateFileTransferTest in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Tests/ DownloadTest.php - Test the private file transfer system.
- DynamicPageCacheIntegrationTest::testDynamicPageCache in core/
modules/ dynamic_page_cache/ src/ Tests/ DynamicPageCacheIntegrationTest.php - Tests that Dynamic Page Cache works correctly, and verifies the edge cases.
- EntityCacheTagsTestBase::testReferencedEntity in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Entity/ EntityCacheTagsTestBase.php - Tests cache tags presence and invalidation of the entity when referenced.
- ErrorHandlerTest::testExceptionHandler in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ System/ ErrorHandlerTest.php - Test the exception handler.
- FormStoragePageCacheTest::testRebuildFormStorageOnCachedPage in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Form/ FormStoragePageCacheTest.php - Build-id is regenerated when rebuilding cached form.
- FormStoragePageCacheTest::testValidateFormStorageOnCachedPage in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Form/ FormStoragePageCacheTest.php - Build-id is regenerated when validating cached form.
- HtaccessTest::testSvgzContentEncoding in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ System/ HtaccessTest.php - Tests that SVGZ files are served with Content-Encoding: gzip.
- ImageFieldDisplayTest::testImageFieldDefaultImage in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Tests/ ImageFieldDisplayTest.php - Test use of a default image with an image field.
- ImageFieldDisplayTest::_testImageFieldFormatters in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Tests/ ImageFieldDisplayTest.php - Test image formatters on node display.
- ImageStylesPathAndUrlTest::doImageStyleUrlAndPathTests in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Tests/ ImageStylesPathAndUrlTest.php - Tests building an image style URL.
- PageCacheTagsTestBase::verifyPageCache in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Cache/ PageCacheTagsTestBase.php - Verify that when loading a given page, it's a page cache hit or miss.
- PageCacheTest::testCacheableResponseResponses in core/
modules/ page_cache/ src/ Tests/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests cacheability of a CacheableResponse.
- PageCacheTest::testConditionalRequests in core/
modules/ page_cache/ src/ Tests/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests support of requests with If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers.
- PageCacheTest::testPageCache in core/
modules/ page_cache/ src/ Tests/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests cache headers.
- PageCacheTest::testPageCacheAnonymous403404 in core/
modules/ page_cache/ src/ Tests/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests the 4xx-response cache tag is added and invalidated.
- PageCacheTest::testPageCacheTags in core/
modules/ page_cache/ src/ Tests/ PageCacheTest.php - Test that cache tags are properly persisted.
- PageCacheTest::testPageCacheTagsIndependentFromCacheabilityHeaders in core/
modules/ page_cache/ src/ Tests/ PageCacheTest.php - Test that the page cache doesn't depend on cacheability headers.
- PageCacheTest::testPageCacheWithoutVaryCookie in core/
modules/ page_cache/ src/ Tests/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests the omit_vary_cookie setting.
- PageCacheTest::testQueryParameterFormatRequests in core/
modules/ page_cache/ src/ Tests/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests support for different cache items with different request formats specified via a query parameter.
- RenderWebTest::testWrapperFormatCacheContext in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Common/ RenderWebTest.php - Asserts the cache context for the wrapper format is always present.
- ResponseGeneratorTest::testGeneratorHeaderAdded in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ System/ ResponseGeneratorTest.php - Test to see if generator header is added.
- ResponseTest::testFormResponse in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Form/ ResponseTest.php - Tests that enforced responses propagate through subscribers and middleware.
- ResponsiveImageFieldDisplayTest::doTestResponsiveImageFieldFormatters in core/
modules/ responsive_image/ src/ Tests/ ResponsiveImageFieldDisplayTest.php - Test responsive image formatters on node display.
- RouterTest::testControllerResolutionAjax in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Routing/ RouterTest.php - Checks that an ajax request gets rendered as an Ajax response, by mime.
- SearchPageCacheTagsTest::testSearchTagsBubbling in core/
modules/ search/ src/ Tests/ SearchPageCacheTagsTest.php - Tests the presence of expected cache tags with referenced entities.
- SessionAuthenticationTest::testBasicAuthNoSession in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Session/ SessionAuthenticationTest.php - Tests that a session is not started automatically by basic authentication.
- SessionHttpsTest::getPathFromLocationHeader in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Session/ SessionHttpsTest.php - Extract internal path from the location header on the response.
- SessionTest::assertSessionEmpty in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Session/ SessionTest.php - Assert whether $_SESSION is empty at the beginning of the request.
- SessionTest::testEmptyAnonymousSession in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Session/ SessionTest.php - Test that empty anonymous sessions are destroyed.
- SessionTest::testSessionSaveRegenerate in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Session/ SessionTest.php - Tests for \Drupal\Core\Session\WriteSafeSessionHandler::setSessionWritable() ::isSessionWritable and \Drupal\Core\Session\SessionManager::regenerate().
- SimpleTestBrowserTest::testInternalBrowser in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ Tests/ SimpleTestBrowserTest.php - Test the internal browsers functionality.
- StandardTest::testStandard in core/
profiles/ standard/ src/ Tests/ StandardTest.php - Tests Standard installation profile.
- UserPasswordResetTest::testUserPasswordReset in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Tests/ UserPasswordResetTest.php - Tests password reset functionality.
- WebTestBase::assertCacheContext in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Asserts whether an expected cache context was present in the last response.
- WebTestBase::assertCacheTag in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Asserts whether an expected cache tag was present in the last response.
- WebTestBase::assertHeader in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Check if a HTTP response header exists and has the expected value.
- WebTestBase::assertNoCacheContext in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Asserts that a cache context was not present in the last response.
- WebTestBase::assertNoCacheTag in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Asserts whether an expected cache tag was absent in the last response.
- WebTestBase::curlExec in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Initializes and executes a cURL request.
- WebTestBase::drupalPostAjaxForm in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Executes an Ajax form submission.