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SimpleTestTest.php in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/simpletest/src/Tests/SimpleTestTest.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\simpletest\Tests\SimpleTestTest.
namespace Drupal\simpletest\Tests;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Crypt;
use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Tests SimpleTest's web interface: check that the intended tests were run and
 * ensure that test reports display the intended results. Also test SimpleTest's
 * internal browser and APIs implicitly.
 * @group simpletest
class SimpleTestTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * The results array that has been parsed by getTestResults().
   * @var array
  protected $childTestResults;

   * Stores the test ID from each test run for comparison.
   * Used to ensure they are incrementing.
  protected $testIds = array();

   * Translated fail message.
   * @var string
  private $failMessage = '';

   * Translated pass message.
   * @var string
  private $passMessage = '';

   * A valid and recognized permission.
   * @var string
  protected $validPermission;

   * An invalid or unrecognized permission.
   * @var string
  protected $invalidPermission;
  protected function setUp() {
    if (!$this
      ->isInChildSite()) {
      $php = <<<'EOD'

# Make sure that the $test_class variable is defined when this file is included.
if ($test_class) {

# Define a function to be able to check that this file was loaded with
# function_exists().
if (!function_exists('simpletest_test_stub_settings_function')) {
  function simpletest_test_stub_settings_function() {}
      file_put_contents($this->siteDirectory . '/' . 'settings.testing.php', $php);

      // @see \Drupal\system\Tests\DrupalKernel\DrupalKernelSiteTest
      $class = __CLASS__;
      $yaml = <<<EOD
  # Add a new service.
    class: {<span class="php-variable">$class</span>}
  # Swap out a core service.
    class: Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\MemoryBackendFactory
      file_put_contents($this->siteDirectory . '/', $yaml);
      $original_container = $this->originalContainer;
        ->assertNotIdentical(\Drupal::getContainer(), $original_container, 'WebTestBase test creates a new container.');

      // Create and log in an admin user.
        'administer unit tests',
    else {

      // This causes three of the five fails that are asserted in
      // confirmStubResults().
      self::$modules = array(

   * Ensures the tests selected through the web interface are run and displayed.
  function testWebTestRunner() {
    $this->passMessage = t('SimpleTest pass.');
    $this->failMessage = t('SimpleTest fail.');
    $this->validPermission = 'access administration pages';
    $this->invalidPermission = 'invalid permission';
    if ($this
      ->isInChildSite()) {

      // Only run following code if this test is running itself through a CURL
      // request.
    else {

      // Run twice so test_ids can be accumulated.
      for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {

        // Run this test from web interface.
        $edit = array();
        $edit['tests[Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest]'] = TRUE;
          ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Run tests'));

        // Parse results and confirm that they are correct.

      // Regression test for #290316.
      // Check that test_id is incrementing.
        ->assertTrue($this->testIds[0] != $this->testIds[1], 'Test ID is incrementing.');

   * Test to be run and the results confirmed.
   * Here we force test results which must match the expected results from
   * confirmStubResults().
  function stubTest() {

    // Ensure the .htkey file exists since this is only created just before a
    // request. This allows the stub test to make requests. The event does not
    // fire here and drupal_generate_test_ua() can not generate a key for a
    // test in a test since the prefix has changed.
    // @see \Drupal\Core\Test\HttpClientMiddleware\TestHttpClientMiddleware::onBeforeSendRequest()
    // @see drupal_generate_test_ua();
    $key_file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/simpletest/' . substr($this->databasePrefix, 10) . '/.htkey';
    $private_key = Crypt::randomBytesBase64(55);
    $site_path = $this->container
    file_put_contents($key_file, $private_key);

    // Check to see if runtime assertions are indeed on, if successful this
    // will be the first of sixteen passes asserted in confirmStubResults()
    try {

      // Test with minimum possible arguments to make sure no notice for
      // missing argument is thrown.
        ->fail('Runtime assertions are not working.');
    } catch (\AssertionError $e) {
      try {

        // Now test with an error message to ensure it is correctly passed
        // along by the rethrow.
        assert(FALSE, 'Lorem Ipsum');
      } catch (\AssertionError $e) {
          ->getMessage(), 'Lorem Ipsum', 'Runtime assertions Enabled and running.');

    // This causes the second of the sixteen passes asserted in
    // confirmStubResults().

    // The first three fails are caused by enabling a non-existent module in
    // setUp().
    // This causes the fourth of the five fails asserted in
    // confirmStubResults().

    // This causes the third to fifth of the sixteen passes asserted in
    // confirmStubResults().
    $user = $this
    ), 'SimpleTestTest');

    // This causes the fifth of the five fails asserted in confirmStubResults().

    // Test logging in as a user.
    // This causes the sixth to tenth of the sixteen passes asserted in
    // confirmStubResults().

    // This causes the eleventh of the sixteen passes asserted in
    // confirmStubResults().
      ->pass(t('Test ID is @id.', array(
      '@id' => $this->testId,

    // These cause the twelfth to fifteenth of the sixteen passes asserted in
    // confirmStubResults().
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($site_path . '/settings.testing.php'));

    // Check the settings.testing.php file got included.

    // Check that the test-specific service file got loaded.
      ->get('cache.backend.database')), 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\MemoryBackendFactory');

    // These cause the two exceptions asserted in confirmStubResults().
    // Call trigger_error() without the required argument to trigger an E_WARNING.

    // Generates a warning inside a PHP function.
    array_key_exists(NULL, NULL);

    // This causes the sixteenth of the sixteen passes asserted in
    // confirmStubResults().

    // This causes the debug message asserted in confirmStubResults().
    debug('Foo', 'Debug', FALSE);

   * Assert nothing.
  function assertNothing() {
      ->pass("This is nothing.");

   * Confirm that the stub test produced the desired results.
  function confirmStubTestResults() {
      ->assertAssertion(t('Unable to install modules %modules due to missing modules %missing.', array(
      '%modules' => 'non_existent_module',
      '%missing' => 'non_existent_module',
    )), 'Other', 'Fail', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->setUp()');
      ->assertAssertion($this->passMessage, 'Other', 'Pass', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->stubTest()');
      ->assertAssertion($this->failMessage, 'Other', 'Fail', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->stubTest()');
      ->assertAssertion(t('Created permissions: @perms', array(
      '@perms' => $this->validPermission,
    )), 'Role', 'Pass', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->stubTest()');
      ->assertAssertion(t('Invalid permission %permission.', array(
      '%permission' => $this->invalidPermission,
    )), 'Role', 'Fail', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->stubTest()');

    // Check that the user was logged in successfully.
      ->assertAssertion('User SimpleTestTest successfully logged in.', 'User login', 'Pass', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->stubTest()');

    // Check that a warning is caught by simpletest. The exact error message
    // differs between PHP versions so only the function name is checked.
      ->assertAssertion('trigger_error()', 'Warning', 'Fail', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->stubTest()');

    // Check that the backtracing code works for specific assert function.
      ->assertAssertion('This is nothing.', 'Other', 'Pass', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->stubTest()');

    // Check that errors that occur inside PHP internal functions are correctly
    // reported. The exact error message differs between PHP versions so we
    // check only the function name 'array_key_exists'.
      ->assertAssertion('array_key_exists', 'Warning', 'Fail', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->stubTest()');
      ->assertAssertion("Debug: 'Foo'", 'Debug', 'Fail', 'SimpleTestTest.php', 'Drupal\\simpletest\\Tests\\SimpleTestTest->stubTest()');
      ->assertEqual('16 passes, 3 fails, 2 exceptions, 3 debug messages', $this->childTestResults['summary']);
    $this->testIds[] = $test_id = $this
      ->assertTrue($test_id, 'Found test ID in results.');

   * Fetch the test id from the test results.
  function getTestIdFromResults() {
    foreach ($this->childTestResults['assertions'] as $assertion) {
      if (preg_match('@^Test ID is ([0-9]*)\\.$@', $assertion['message'], $matches)) {
        return $matches[1];
    return NULL;

   * Asserts that an assertion with specified values is displayed in results.
   * @param string $message Assertion message.
   * @param string $type Assertion type.
   * @param string $status Assertion status.
   * @param string $file File where the assertion originated.
   * @param string $function Function where the assertion originated.
   * @return Assertion result.
  function assertAssertion($message, $type, $status, $file, $function) {
    $message = trim(strip_tags($message));
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($this->childTestResults['assertions'] as $assertion) {
      if (strpos($assertion['message'], $message) !== FALSE && $assertion['type'] == $type && $assertion['status'] == $status && $assertion['file'] == $file && $assertion['function'] == $function) {
        $found = TRUE;
    return $this
      ->assertTrue($found, format_string('Found assertion {"@message", "@type", "@status", "@file", "@function"}.', array(
      '@message' => $message,
      '@type' => $type,
      '@status' => $status,
      "@file" => $file,
      "@function" => $function,

   * Get the results from a test and store them in the class array $results.
  function getTestResults() {
    $results = array();
    if ($this
      ->parse()) {
      if ($details = $this
        ->getResultFieldSet()) {

        // Code assumes this is the only test in group.
        $results['summary'] = $this
        $results['name'] = $this
        $results['assertions'] = array();
        $tbody = $details->div->table->tbody;
        foreach ($tbody->tr as $row) {
          $assertion = array();
          $assertion['message'] = $this
          $assertion['type'] = $this
          $assertion['file'] = $this
          $assertion['line'] = $this
          $assertion['function'] = $this
          $ok_url = file_create_url('core/misc/icons/73b355/check.svg');
          $assertion['status'] = $row->td[5]->img['src'] == $ok_url ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
          $results['assertions'][] = $assertion;
    $this->childTestResults = $results;

   * Get the details containing the results for group this test is in.
  function getResultFieldSet() {
    $all_details = $this
    foreach ($all_details as $details) {
      if ($this
        ->asText($details->summary) == __CLASS__) {
        return $details;
    return FALSE;

   * Extract the text contained by the element.
   * @param $element
   *   Element to extract text from.
   * @return
   *   Extracted text.
  function asText(\SimpleXMLElement $element) {
    if (!is_object($element)) {
      return $this
        ->fail('The element is not an element.');
    return trim(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($element



Namesort descending Description
SimpleTestTest Tests SimpleTest's web interface: check that the intended tests were run and ensure that test reports display the intended results. Also test SimpleTest's internal browser and APIs implicitly.