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protected function BrowserTestBase::prepareRequestForGenerator in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/simpletest/src/BrowserTestBase.php \Drupal\simpletest\BrowserTestBase::prepareRequestForGenerator()

Creates a mock request and sets it on the generator.

This is used to manipulate how the generator generates paths during tests. It also ensures that calls to $this->drupalGet() will work when running from because the url generator no longer looks at the global variables that are set there but relies on getting this information from a request object.


bool $clean_urls: Whether to mock the request using clean urls.

array $override_server_vars: An array of server variables to override.

Return value

Request The mocked request object.

1 call to BrowserTestBase::prepareRequestForGenerator()
BrowserTestBase::rebuildContainer in core/modules/simpletest/src/BrowserTestBase.php
Rebuilds \Drupal::getContainer().


core/modules/simpletest/src/BrowserTestBase.php, line 1237
Contains \Drupal\simpletest\BrowserTestBase.


Provides a test case for functional Drupal tests.




protected function prepareRequestForGenerator($clean_urls = TRUE, $override_server_vars = array()) {
  $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
  $server = $request->server
  if (basename($server['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) != basename($server['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {

    // We need this for when the test is executed by
    // @todo Remove this once has been converted to use a Request
    //   object.
    $cwd = getcwd();
    $server['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $cwd . '/' . basename($server['SCRIPT_NAME']);
    $base_path = rtrim($server['REQUEST_URI'], '/');
  else {
    $base_path = $request
  if ($clean_urls) {
    $request_path = $base_path ? $base_path . '/user' : 'user';
  else {
    $request_path = $base_path ? $base_path . '/index.php/user' : '/index.php/user';
  $server = array_merge($server, $override_server_vars);
  $request = Request::create($request_path, 'GET', array(), array(), array(), $server);

  // Ensure the request time is REQUEST_TIME to ensure that API calls
  // in the test use the right timestamp.

  // The request context is normally set by the router_listener from within
  // its KernelEvents::REQUEST listener. In the Simpletest parent site this
  // event is not fired, therefore it is necessary to updated the request
  // context manually here.
  return $request;