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6 calls to AssertContentTrait::parse() in Zircon Profile 8.0

AssertContentTrait::xpath in core/modules/simpletest/src/AssertContentTrait.php
Performs an xpath search on the contents of the internal browser.
SearchTestBase::submitGetForm in core/modules/search/src/Tests/SearchTestBase.php
Simulates submission of a form using GET instead of POST.
SimpleTestTest::getTestResults in core/modules/simpletest/src/Tests/SimpleTestTest.php
Get the results from a test and store them in the class array $results.
SyslogTest::testSettings in core/modules/syslog/src/Tests/SyslogTest.php
Tests the syslog settings page.
WebTestBase::checkForMetaRefresh in core/modules/simpletest/src/WebTestBase.php
Checks for meta refresh tag and if found call drupalGet() recursively.
WebTestBase::drupalPostForm in core/modules/simpletest/src/WebTestBase.php
Executes a form submission.