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public function StyleSerializerTest::testSerializerResponses in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/rest/src/Tests/Views/StyleSerializerTest.php \Drupal\rest\Tests\Views\StyleSerializerTest::testSerializerResponses()

Checks the behavior of the Serializer callback paths and row plugins.


core/modules/rest/src/Tests/Views/StyleSerializerTest.php, line 78
Contains \Drupal\rest\Tests\Views\StyleSerializerTest.


Tests the serializer style plugin.




public function testSerializerResponses() {

  // Test the serialize callback.
  $view = Views::getView('test_serializer_display_field');
  $actual_json = $this
    ->drupalGetWithFormat('test/serialize/field', 'json');

  // @todo Due to we can't yet test the
  // propagation of cache max-age.
  // Test the http Content-type.
  $headers = $this
    ->assertEqual($headers['content-type'], 'application/json', 'The header Content-type is correct.');
  $expected = array();
  foreach ($view->result as $row) {
    $expected_row = array();
    foreach ($view->field as $id => $field) {
      $expected_row[$id] = $field
    $expected[] = $expected_row;
    ->assertIdentical($actual_json, json_encode($expected), 'The expected JSON output was found.');

  // Test that the rendered output and the preview output are the same.

  // Mock the request content type by setting it on the display handler.
  $output = $view
    ->assertIdentical($actual_json, (string) drupal_render_root($output), 'The expected JSON preview output was found.');

  // Test a 403 callback.

  // Test the entity rows.
  $view = Views::getView('test_serializer_display_entity');

  // Get the serializer service.
  $serializer = $this->container
  $entities = array();
  foreach ($view->result as $row) {
    $entities[] = $row->_entity;
  $expected = $serializer
    ->serialize($entities, 'json');
  $actual_json = $this
    ->drupalGetWithFormat('test/serialize/entity', 'json');
    ->assertIdentical($actual_json, $expected, 'The expected JSON output was found.');
  $expected_cache_tags = $view
  $expected_cache_tags[] = 'entity_test_list';

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */
  foreach ($entities as $entity) {
    $expected_cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($expected_cache_tags, $entity
  $expected = $serializer
    ->serialize($entities, 'hal_json');
  $actual_json = $this
    ->drupalGetWithFormat('test/serialize/entity', 'hal_json');
    ->assertIdentical($actual_json, $expected, 'The expected HAL output was found.');

  // Change the default format to xml.
    ->setOption('style', array(
    'type' => 'serializer',
    'options' => array(
      'uses_fields' => FALSE,
      'formats' => array(
        'xml' => 'xml',
  $expected = $serializer
    ->serialize($entities, 'xml');
  $actual_xml = $this
    ->assertIdentical($actual_xml, $expected, 'The expected XML output was found.');

  // Allow multiple formats.
    ->setOption('style', array(
    'type' => 'serializer',
    'options' => array(
      'uses_fields' => FALSE,
      'formats' => array(
        'xml' => 'xml',
        'json' => 'json',
  $expected = $serializer
    ->serialize($entities, 'json');
  $actual_json = $this
    ->drupalGetWithFormat('test/serialize/entity', 'json');
    ->assertIdentical($actual_json, $expected, 'The expected JSON output was found.');
  $expected = $serializer
    ->serialize($entities, 'xml');
  $actual_xml = $this
    ->drupalGetWithFormat('test/serialize/entity', 'xml');
    ->assertIdentical($actual_xml, $expected, 'The expected XML output was found.');