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8 calls to RESTTestBase::entityValues() in Zircon Profile 8

CreateTest::testCreateComment in core/modules/rest/src/Tests/CreateTest.php
Test comment creation.
CreateTest::testCreateEntityTest in core/modules/rest/src/Tests/CreateTest.php
Tests valid and invalid create requests for 'entity_test' entity type.
CreateTest::testCreateNode in core/modules/rest/src/Tests/CreateTest.php
Tests several valid and invalid create requests for 'node' entity type.
CreateTest::testCreateResourceRestApiNotEnabled in core/modules/rest/src/Tests/CreateTest.php
Try to create a resource which is not REST API enabled.
CreateTest::testCreateUser in core/modules/rest/src/Tests/CreateTest.php
Tests several valid and invalid create requests for 'user' entity type.
CreateTest::testCreateWithoutPermission in core/modules/rest/src/Tests/CreateTest.php
Ensure that an entity cannot be created without the restful permission.
CsrfTest::setUp in core/modules/rest/src/Tests/CsrfTest.php
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
RESTTestBase::entityCreate in core/modules/rest/src/Tests/RESTTestBase.php
Creates entity objects based on their types.