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protected function StandardProfileTest::assertRdfaNodeCommentProperties in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/rdf/src/Tests/StandardProfileTest.php \Drupal\rdf\Tests\StandardProfileTest::assertRdfaNodeCommentProperties()

Tests output for comment properties on nodes in full page view mode.


\EasyRdf_Graph $graph: The EasyRDF graph object.

1 call to StandardProfileTest::assertRdfaNodeCommentProperties()
StandardProfileTest::doArticleRdfaTests in core/modules/rdf/src/Tests/StandardProfileTest.php
Tests that article data is exposed using RDFa.


core/modules/rdf/src/Tests/StandardProfileTest.php, line 430
Contains \Drupal\rdf\Tests\StandardProfileTest.


Tests the RDF mappings and RDFa markup of the standard profile.




protected function assertRdfaNodeCommentProperties($graph) {

  // Relationship between node and comment.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => $this->articleCommentUri,
    ->hasProperty($this->articleUri, '', $expected_value), 'Relationship between node and comment found (schema:comment).');

  // Comment type.
    ->type($this->articleCommentUri), 'schema:Comment', 'Comment type was found (schema:Comment).');

  // Comment title.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'literal',
    'value' => $this->articleComment
    'lang' => 'en',
    ->hasProperty($this->articleCommentUri, '', $expected_value), 'Article comment title was found (schema:name).');

  // Comment created date.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'literal',
    'value' => format_date($this->articleComment
      ->get('created')->value, 'custom', 'c', 'UTC'),
    'lang' => 'en',
    ->hasProperty($this->articleCommentUri, '', $expected_value), 'Article comment created date was found (schema:dateCreated).');

  // Comment body.
  $text = $this->articleComment
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'literal',
    // There is an extra carriage return in the when parsing comments as
    // output by Bartik, so it must be added to the expected value.
    'value' => "{$text}\n",
    'lang' => 'en',
    ->hasProperty($this->articleCommentUri, '', $expected_value), 'Article comment body was found (schema:text).');

  // Comment uid.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => $this->commenterUri,
    ->hasProperty($this->articleCommentUri, '', $expected_value), 'Article comment author was found (schema:author).');

  // Comment author type.
    ->type($this->commenterUri), 'schema:Person', 'Comment author type was found (schema:Person).');

  // Comment author name.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'literal',
    'value' => $this->webUser
    ->hasProperty($this->commenterUri, '', $expected_value), 'Comment author name was found (schema:name).');