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6 calls to QuickEditTestBase::createFieldWithStorage() in Zircon Profile 8.0

EditorSelectionTest::testNumber in core/modules/quickedit/src/Tests/EditorSelectionTest.php
Tests a number field, with cardinality 1 and >1.
EditorSelectionTest::testText in core/modules/quickedit/src/Tests/EditorSelectionTest.php
Tests a string (plain text) field, with cardinality 1 and >1.
EditorSelectionTest::testTextWysiwyg in core/modules/quickedit/src/Tests/EditorSelectionTest.php
Tests a textual field, with text filtering, with cardinality 1 and >1, always with an Editor plugin present that supports textual fields with text filtering, but with varying text format compatibility.
MetadataGeneratorTest::testEditorWithCustomMetadata in core/modules/quickedit/src/Tests/MetadataGeneratorTest.php
Tests a field whose associated in-place editor generates custom metadata.
MetadataGeneratorTest::testSimpleEntityType in core/modules/quickedit/src/Tests/MetadataGeneratorTest.php
Tests a simple entity type, with two different simple fields.
QuickEditIntegrationTest::setUp in core/modules/editor/src/Tests/QuickEditIntegrationTest.php
Sets the default field storage backend for fields created during tests.