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public function NodeTranslationUITest::testTranslationRendering in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/node/src/Tests/NodeTranslationUITest.php \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeTranslationUITest::testTranslationRendering()

Tests that translations are rendered properly.


core/modules/node/src/Tests/NodeTranslationUITest.php, line 274
Contains \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeTranslationUITest.


Tests the Node Translation UI.




public function testTranslationRendering() {
  $default_langcode = $this->langcodes[0];
  $values[$default_langcode] = $this
  $this->entityId = $this
    ->createEntity($values[$default_langcode], $default_langcode);
  $node = \Drupal::entityManager()

  // Create translations.
  foreach (array_diff($this->langcodes, array(
  )) as $langcode) {
    $values[$langcode] = $this
    $translation = $node
      ->addTranslation($langcode, $values[$langcode]);

    // Publish and promote the translation to frontpage.

  // Test that the frontpage view displays the correct translations.
  ), TRUE);
    ->doTestTranslations('node', $values);

  // Enable the translation language renderer.
  $view = \Drupal::entityManager()
  $display =& $view
  $display['display_options']['rendering_language'] = '***LANGUAGE_entity_translation***';

  // Need to check from the beginning, including the base_path, in the url
  // since the pattern for the default language might be a substring of
  // the strings for other languages.
  $base_path = base_path();

  // Check the frontpage for 'Read more' links to each translation.
  // See also assertTaxonomyPage() in NodeAccessBaseTableTest.
  $node_href = 'node/' . $node
  foreach ($this->langcodes as $langcode) {
      ->drupalGet('node', array(
      'language' => \Drupal::languageManager()
    $num_match_found = 0;
    if ($langcode == 'en') {

      // Site default language does not have langcode prefix in the URL.
      $expected_href = $base_path . $node_href;
    else {
      $expected_href = $base_path . $langcode . '/' . $node_href;
    $pattern = '|^' . $expected_href . '$|';
    foreach ($this
      ->xpath("//a[text()='Read more']") as $link) {
      if (preg_match($pattern, (string) $link['href'], $matches) == TRUE) {
      ->assertTrue($num_match_found == 1, 'There is 1 Read more link, ' . $expected_href . ', for the ' . $langcode . ' translation of a node on the frontpage. (Found ' . $num_match_found . '.)');

  // Check the frontpage for 'Add new comment' links that include the
  // language.
  $comment_form_href = 'node/' . $node
    ->id() . '#comment-form';
  foreach ($this->langcodes as $langcode) {
      ->drupalGet('node', array(
      'language' => \Drupal::languageManager()
    $num_match_found = 0;
    if ($langcode == 'en') {

      // Site default language does not have langcode prefix in the URL.
      $expected_href = $base_path . $comment_form_href;
    else {
      $expected_href = $base_path . $langcode . '/' . $comment_form_href;
    $pattern = '|^' . $expected_href . '$|';
    foreach ($this
      ->xpath("//a[text()='Add new comment']") as $link) {
      if (preg_match($pattern, (string) $link['href'], $matches) == TRUE) {
      ->assertTrue($num_match_found == 1, 'There is 1 Add new comment link, ' . $expected_href . ', for the ' . $langcode . ' translation of a node on the frontpage. (Found ' . $num_match_found . '.)');

  // Test that the node page displays the correct translations.
    ->doTestTranslations('node/' . $node
    ->id(), $values);

  // Test that the node page has the correct alternate hreflang links.