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NodeAccessRebuildNodeGrantsTest.php in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/node/src/Tests/NodeAccessRebuildNodeGrantsTest.php




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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeAccessRebuildNodeGrantsTest.
namespace Drupal\node\Tests;

 * Ensures that node access rebuild functions work correctly even
 * when other modules implements hook_node_grants().
 * @group node
class NodeAccessRebuildNodeGrantsTest extends NodeTestBase {

   * A user to test the rebuild nodes feature.
   * @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
  protected $webUser;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer site configuration',
      'access administration pages',
      'access site reports',
      'bypass node access',
    $this->webUser = $this

   * Tests rebuilding the node access permissions table with content.
  public function testNodeAccessRebuildNodeGrants() {
    $node = $this
      'uid' => $this->webUser

    // Default realm access and node records are present.
      ->access($node, 'view', $this->webUser), 'The expected node access records are present');
      ->assertEqual(1, \Drupal::service('node.grant_storage')
      ->checkAll($this->webUser), 'There is an all realm access record');
      ->get('node.node_access_needs_rebuild'), 'Node access permissions need to be rebuilt');

    // Rebuild permissions.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Rebuild permissions'));
      ->assertText(t('The content access permissions have been rebuilt.'));

    // Test if the rebuild has been successful.
      ->get('node.node_access_needs_rebuild'), 'Node access permissions have been rebuilt');
      ->access($node, 'view', $this->webUser), 'The expected node access records are present');
      ->checkAll($this->webUser), 'There is no all realm access record');

   * Tests rebuilding the node access permissions table with no content.
  public function testNodeAccessRebuildNoAccessModules() {

    // Default realm access is present.
      ->assertEqual(1, \Drupal::service('node.grant_storage')
      ->count(), 'There is an all realm access record');

    // No need to rebuild permissions.
      ->get('node.node_access_needs_rebuild'), 'Node access permissions need to be rebuilt');

    // Rebuild permissions.
      ->clickLink(t('Rebuild permissions'));
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Rebuild permissions'));
      ->assertText(t('Content permissions have been rebuilt.'));
      ->get('node.node_access_needs_rebuild'), 'Node access permissions have been rebuilt');

    // Default realm access is still present.
      ->assertEqual(1, \Drupal::service('node.grant_storage')
      ->count(), 'There is an all realm access record');



Namesort descending Description
NodeAccessRebuildNodeGrantsTest Ensures that node access rebuild functions work correctly even when other modules implements hook_node_grants().