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function NodeAccessLanguageAwareTest::testNodeAccessLanguageAware in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/node/src/Tests/NodeAccessLanguageAwareTest.php \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeAccessLanguageAwareTest::testNodeAccessLanguageAware()

Tests node access and node access queries with multiple node languages.


core/modules/node/src/Tests/NodeAccessLanguageAwareTest.php, line 154
Contains \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeAccessLanguageAwareTest.


Tests node_access and db_select() with node_access tag functionality with multiple languages with node_access_test_language which is language-aware.




function testNodeAccessLanguageAware() {

  // The node_access_test_language module only grants view access.
  $expected_node_access = array(
    'view' => TRUE,
    'update' => FALSE,
    'delete' => FALSE,
  $expected_node_access_no_access = array(
    'view' => FALSE,
    'update' => FALSE,
    'delete' => FALSE,

  // When both Hungarian and Catalan are marked as public, access to the
  // Hungarian translation should be granted with the default entity object or
  // when the Hungarian translation is specified explicitly.
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access, $this->nodes['both_public'], $this->webUser);
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access, $this->nodes['both_public']
    ->getTranslation('hu'), $this->webUser);

  // Access to the Catalan translation should also be granted.
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access, $this->nodes['both_public']
    ->getTranslation('ca'), $this->webUser);

  // When Hungarian is marked as private, access to the Hungarian translation
  // should be denied with the default entity object or when the Hungarian
  // translation is specified explicitly.
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access_no_access, $this->nodes['hu_private'], $this->webUser);
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access_no_access, $this->nodes['hu_private']
    ->getTranslation('hu'), $this->webUser);

  // Access to the Catalan translation should be granted.
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access, $this->nodes['hu_private']
    ->getTranslation('ca'), $this->webUser);

  // When Catalan is marked as private, access to the Hungarian translation
  // should be granted with the default entity object or when the Hungarian
  // translation is specified explicitly.
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access, $this->nodes['ca_private'], $this->webUser);
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access, $this->nodes['ca_private']
    ->getTranslation('hu'), $this->webUser);

  // Access to the Catalan translation should be granted.
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access_no_access, $this->nodes['ca_private']
    ->getTranslation('ca'), $this->webUser);

  // When both translations are marked as private, access should be denied
  // regardless of the entity object specified.
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access_no_access, $this->nodes['both_private'], $this->webUser);
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access_no_access, $this->nodes['both_private']
    ->getTranslation('hu'), $this->webUser);
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access_no_access, $this->nodes['both_private']
    ->getTranslation('ca'), $this->webUser);

  // When no language is specified for a private node, access to every node
  // translation is denied.
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access_no_access, $this->nodes['no_language_private'], $this->webUser);

  // When no language is specified for a public node, access should be
  // granted.
    ->assertNodeAccess($expected_node_access, $this->nodes['no_language_public'], $this->webUser);

  // Query the node table with the node access tag in several languages.
  // Query with no language specified. The fallback (hu) will be used.
  $select = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->fields('n', array(
    ->addMetaData('account', $this->webUser)
  $nids = $select

  // Three nodes should be returned:
  // - Node with both translations public.
  // - Node with only the Catalan translation marked as private.
  // - No language node marked as public.
    ->assertEqual(count($nids), 3, 'db_select() returns 3 nodes when no langcode is specified.');
    ->id(), $nids), 'The node with both translations public is returned.');
    ->id(), $nids), 'The node with only the Catalan translation private is returned.');
    ->id(), $nids), 'The node with no language is returned.');

  // Query with Hungarian (hu) specified.
  $select = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->fields('n', array(
    ->addMetaData('account', $this->webUser)
    ->addMetaData('langcode', 'hu')
  $nids = $select

  // Two nodes should be returned: the node with both translations public, and
  // the node with only the Catalan translation marked as private.
    ->assertEqual(count($nids), 2, 'db_select() returns 2 nodes when the hu langcode is specified.');
    ->id(), $nids), 'The node with both translations public is returned.');
    ->id(), $nids), 'The node with only the Catalan translation private is returned.');

  // Query with Catalan (ca) specified.
  $select = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->fields('n', array(
    ->addMetaData('account', $this->webUser)
    ->addMetaData('langcode', 'ca')
  $nids = $select

  // Two nodes should be returned: the node with both translations public, and
  // the node with only the Hungarian translation marked as private.
    ->assertEqual(count($nids), 2, 'db_select() returns 2 nodes when the hu langcode is specified.');
    ->id(), $nids), 'The node with both translations public is returned.');
    ->id(), $nids), 'The node with only the Hungarian translation private is returned.');

  // Query with German (de) specified.
  $select = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->fields('n', array(
    ->addMetaData('account', $this->webUser)
    ->addMetaData('langcode', 'de')
  $nids = $select

  // There are no nodes with German translations, so no results are returned.
    ->assertTrue(empty($nids), 'db_select() returns an empty result when the de langcode is specified.');

  // Query the nodes table as admin user (full access) with the node access
  // tag and no specific langcode.
  $select = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->fields('n', array(
    ->addMetaData('account', $this->adminUser)
  $nids = $select

  // All nodes are returned.
    ->assertEqual(count($nids), 6, 'db_select() returns all nodes.');

  // Query the nodes table as admin user (full access) with the node access
  // tag and langcode de.
  $select = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->fields('n', array(
    ->addMetaData('account', $this->adminUser)
    ->addMetaData('langcode', 'de')
  $nids = $select

  // Even though there is no German translation, all nodes are returned
  // because node access filtering does not occur when the user is user 1.
    ->assertEqual(count($nids), 6, 'db_select() returns all nodes.');