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LanguageNegotiationUrlTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0

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  1. 8 core/modules/language/tests/src/Unit/LanguageNegotiationUrlTest.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\Tests\language\Unit\LanguageNegotiationUrlTest.
namespace Drupal\Tests\language\Unit {
  use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
  use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface;
  use Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata;
  use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
  use Drupal\language\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationUrl;
  use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
  use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

   * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\language\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationUrl
   * @group language
  class LanguageNegotiationUrlTest extends UnitTestCase {
    protected $languageManager;
    protected $user;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() {

      // Set up some languages to be used by the language-based path processor.
      $language_de = $this
      $language_en = $this
      $languages = array(
        'de' => $language_de,
        'en' => $language_en,
      $this->languages = $languages;

      // Create a language manager stub.
      $language_manager = $this
      $this->languageManager = $language_manager;

      // Create a user stub.
      $this->user = $this
      $cache_contexts_manager = $this
      $container = new ContainerBuilder();
        ->set('cache_contexts_manager', $cache_contexts_manager);

     * Test path prefix language negotiation and outbound path processing.
     * @dataProvider providerTestPathPrefix
    public function testPathPrefix($prefix, $prefixes, $expected_langcode) {
        ->returnValue($this->languages[in_array($expected_langcode, [
      ]) ? $expected_langcode : 'en']));
      $config = $this
        'language.negotiation' => [
          'url' => [
            'source' => LanguageNegotiationUrl::CONFIG_PATH_PREFIX,
            'prefixes' => $prefixes,
      $request = Request::create('/' . $prefix . '/foo', 'GET');
      $method = new LanguageNegotiationUrl();
        ->assertEquals($expected_langcode, $method
      $cacheability = new BubbleableMetadata();
      $options = [];
        ->processOutbound('foo', $options, $request, $cacheability);
      $expected_cacheability = new BubbleableMetadata();
      if ($expected_langcode) {
          ->assertSame($prefix . '/', $options['prefix']);
          'languages:' . LanguageInterface::TYPE_URL,
      else {
        ->assertEquals($expected_cacheability, $cacheability);

     * Provides data for the path prefix test.
     * @return array
     *   An array of data for checking path prefix negotiation.
    public function providerTestPathPrefix() {
      $path_prefix_configuration[] = [
        'prefix' => 'de',
        'prefixes' => [
          'de' => 'de',
          'en-uk' => 'en',
        'expected_langcode' => 'de',
      $path_prefix_configuration[] = [
        'prefix' => 'en-uk',
        'prefixes' => [
          'de' => 'de',
          'en' => 'en-uk',
        'expected_langcode' => 'en',

      // No configuration.
      $path_prefix_configuration[] = [
        'prefix' => 'de',
        'prefixes' => array(),
        'expected_langcode' => FALSE,

      // Non-matching prefix.
      $path_prefix_configuration[] = [
        'prefix' => 'de',
        'prefixes' => [
          'en-uk' => 'en',
        'expected_langcode' => FALSE,

      // Non-existing language.
      $path_prefix_configuration[] = [
        'prefix' => 'it',
        'prefixes' => [
          'it' => 'it',
          'en-uk' => 'en',
        'expected_langcode' => FALSE,
      return $path_prefix_configuration;

     * Test domain language negotiation and outbound path processing.
     * @dataProvider providerTestDomain
    public function testDomain($http_host, $domains, $expected_langcode) {
      $config = $this
        'language.negotiation' => [
          'url' => [
            'source' => LanguageNegotiationUrl::CONFIG_DOMAIN,
            'domains' => $domains,
      $request = Request::create('', 'GET', array(), array(), array(), array(
        'HTTP_HOST' => $http_host,
      $method = new LanguageNegotiationUrl();
        ->assertEquals($expected_langcode, $method
      $cacheability = new BubbleableMetadata();
      $options = [];
        ->assertSame('foo', $method
        ->processOutbound('foo', $options, $request, $cacheability));
      $expected_cacheability = new BubbleableMetadata();
      if ($expected_langcode !== FALSE && count($domains) > 1) {
          'languages:' . LanguageInterface::TYPE_URL,
        ->assertEquals($expected_cacheability, $cacheability);

     * Provides data for the domain test.
     * @return array
     *   An array of data for checking domain negotiation.
    public function providerTestDomain() {
      $domain_configuration[] = array(
        'http_host' => '',
        'domains' => array(
          'de' => '',
        'expected_langcode' => 'de',

      // No configuration.
      $domain_configuration[] = array(
        'http_host' => '',
        'domains' => array(),
        'expected_langcode' => FALSE,

      // HTTP host with a port.
      $domain_configuration[] = array(
        'http_host' => '',
        'domains' => array(
          'de' => '',
        'expected_langcode' => 'de',

      // Domain configuration with https://.
      $domain_configuration[] = array(
        'http_host' => '',
        'domains' => array(
          'de' => '',
        'expected_langcode' => 'de',

      // Non-matching HTTP host.
      $domain_configuration[] = array(
        'http_host' => '',
        'domains' => array(
          'de' => '',
        'expected_langcode' => 'de',

      // Testing a non-existing language.
      $domain_configuration[] = array(
        'http_host' => '',
        'domains' => array(
          'it' => '',
        'expected_langcode' => FALSE,

      // Multiple domain configurations.
      $domain_configuration[] = array(
        'http_host' => '',
        'domains' => array(
          'de' => '',
          'en' => '',
        'expected_langcode' => 'en',
      return $domain_configuration;


// @todo Remove as part of
namespace {
  if (!function_exists('base_path')) {
    function base_path() {
      return '/';