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LanguageUILanguageNegotiationTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\language\Tests\LanguageUILanguageNegotiationTest.
namespace Drupal\language\Tests;

use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;
use Drupal\language\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationBrowser;
use Drupal\language\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationSelected;
use Drupal\language\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationSession;
use Drupal\language\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationUrl;
use Drupal\user\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationUser;
use Drupal\user\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationUserAdmin;
use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;
use Drupal\Core\Language\Language;
use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Drupal\language\LanguageNegotiatorInterface;
use Drupal\block\Entity\Block;

 * Tests the language UI for language switching.
 * The uses cases that get tested, are:
 * - URL (path) > default: Test that the URL prefix setting gets precedence over
 *   the default language. The browser language preference does not have any
 *   influence.
 * - URL (path) > browser > default: Test that the URL prefix setting gets
 *   precedence over the browser language preference, which in turn gets
 *   precedence over the default language.
 * - URL (domain) > default: Tests that the URL domain setting gets precedence
 *   over the default language.
 * The paths that are used for each of these, are:
 * - admin/config: Tests the UI using the precedence rules.
 * - zh-hans/admin/config: Tests the UI in Chinese.
 * - blah-blah/admin/config: Tests the 404 page.
 * @group language
class LanguageUILanguageNegotiationTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * We marginally use interface translation functionality here, so need to use
   * the locale module instead of language only, but the 90% of the test is
   * about the negotiation process which is solely in language module.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(
  protected function setUp() {
    $admin_user = $this
      'administer languages',
      'translate interface',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer blocks',

   * Tests for language switching by URL path.
  function testUILanguageNegotiation() {

    // A few languages to switch to.
    // This one is unknown, should get the default lang version.
    $langcode_unknown = 'blah-blah';

    // For testing browser lang preference.
    $langcode_browser_fallback = 'vi';

    // For testing path prefix.
    $langcode = 'zh-hans';

    // For setting browser language preference to 'vi'.
    $http_header_browser_fallback = array(
      "Accept-Language: {$langcode_browser_fallback};q=1",

    // For setting browser language preference to some unknown.
    $http_header_blah = array(
      "Accept-Language: blah;q=1",

    // Setup the site languages by installing two languages.
    // Set the default language in order for the translated string to be registered
    // into database when seen by t(). Without doing this, our target string
    // is for some reason not found when doing translate search. This might
    // be some bug.
    $default_language = \Drupal::languageManager()
      ->set('default_langcode', $langcode_browser_fallback)

    // We will look for this string in the admin/config screen to see if the
    // corresponding translated string is shown.
    $default_string = 'Hide descriptions';

    // First visit this page to make sure our target string is searchable.

    // Now the t()'ed string is in db so switch the language back to default.
    // This will rebuild the container so we need to rebuild the container in
    // the test environment.
      ->set('default_langcode', $default_language
      ->set('url.prefixes.en', '')

    // Translate the string.
    $language_browser_fallback_string = "In {$langcode_browser_fallback} In {$langcode_browser_fallback} In {$langcode_browser_fallback}";
    $language_string = "In {$langcode} In {$langcode} In {$langcode}";

    // Do a translate search of our target string.
    $search = array(
      'string' => $default_string,
      'langcode' => $langcode_browser_fallback,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/translate', $search, t('Filter'));
    $textarea = current($this
    $lid = (string) $textarea[0]['name'];
    $edit = array(
      $lid => $language_browser_fallback_string,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/translate', $edit, t('Save translations'));
    $search = array(
      'string' => $default_string,
      'langcode' => $langcode,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/translate', $search, t('Filter'));
    $textarea = current($this
    $lid = (string) $textarea[0]['name'];
    $edit = array(
      $lid => $language_string,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/translate', $edit, t('Save translations'));

    // Configure selected language negotiation to use zh-hans.
    $edit = array(
      'selected_langcode' => $langcode,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection/selected', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    $test = array(
      'language_negotiation' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/config',
      'expect' => $language_string,
      'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiationSelected::METHOD_ID,
      'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
      'message' => 'SELECTED: UI language is switched based on selected language.',

    // An invalid language is selected.
      ->set('selected_langcode', NULL)
    $test = array(
      'language_negotiation' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/config',
      'expect' => $default_string,
      'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiatorInterface::METHOD_ID,
      'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
      'message' => 'SELECTED > DEFAULT: UI language is switched based on selected language.',

    // No selected language is available.
      ->set('selected_langcode', $langcode_unknown)
    $test = array(
      'language_negotiation' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/config',
      'expect' => $default_string,
      'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiatorInterface::METHOD_ID,
      'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
      'message' => 'SELECTED > DEFAULT: UI language is switched based on selected language.',
    $tests = array(
      // Default, browser preference should have no influence.
        'language_negotiation' => array(
        'path' => 'admin/config',
        'expect' => $default_string,
        'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiatorInterface::METHOD_ID,
        'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
        'message' => 'URL (PATH) > DEFAULT: no language prefix, UI language is default and the browser language preference setting is not used.',
      // Language prefix.
        'language_negotiation' => array(
        'path' => "{$langcode}/admin/config",
        'expect' => $language_string,
        'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiationUrl::METHOD_ID,
        'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
        'message' => 'URL (PATH) > DEFAULT: with language prefix, UI language is switched based on path prefix',
      // Default, go by browser preference.
        'language_negotiation' => array(
        'path' => 'admin/config',
        'expect' => $language_browser_fallback_string,
        'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiationBrowser::METHOD_ID,
        'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
        'message' => 'URL (PATH) > BROWSER: no language prefix, UI language is determined by browser language preference',
      // Prefix, switch to the language.
        'language_negotiation' => array(
        'path' => "{$langcode}/admin/config",
        'expect' => $language_string,
        'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiationUrl::METHOD_ID,
        'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
        'message' => 'URL (PATH) > BROWSER: with language prefix, UI language is based on path prefix',
      // Default, browser language preference is not one of site's lang.
        'language_negotiation' => array(
        'path' => 'admin/config',
        'expect' => $default_string,
        'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiatorInterface::METHOD_ID,
        'http_header' => $http_header_blah,
        'message' => 'URL (PATH) > BROWSER > DEFAULT: no language prefix and browser language preference set to unknown language should use default language',
    foreach ($tests as $test) {

    // Unknown language prefix should return 404.
    $definitions = \Drupal::languageManager()

    // Enable only methods, which are either not limited to a specific language
    // type or are supporting the interface language type.
    $language_interface_method_definitions = array_filter($definitions, function ($method_definition) {
      return !isset($method_definition['types']) || isset($method_definition['types']) && in_array(LanguageInterface::TYPE_INTERFACE, $method_definition['types']);
      ->set('negotiation.' . LanguageInterface::TYPE_INTERFACE . '.enabled', array_flip(array_keys($language_interface_method_definitions)))
      ->drupalGet("{$langcode_unknown}/admin/config", array(), $http_header_browser_fallback);
      ->assertResponse(404, "Unknown language path prefix should return 404");

    // Set preferred langcode for user to NULL.
    $account = $this->loggedInUser;
    $account->preferred_langcode = NULL;
    $test = array(
      'language_negotiation' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/config',
      'expect' => $default_string,
      'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiatorInterface::METHOD_ID,
      'http_header' => array(),
      'message' => 'USER > DEFAULT: no preferred user language setting, the UI language is default',

    // Set preferred langcode for user to unknown language.
    $account = $this->loggedInUser;
    $account->preferred_langcode = $langcode_unknown;
    $test = array(
      'language_negotiation' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/config',
      'expect' => $default_string,
      'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiatorInterface::METHOD_ID,
      'http_header' => array(),
      'message' => 'USER > DEFAULT: invalid preferred user language setting, the UI language is default',

    // Set preferred langcode for user to non default.
    $account->preferred_langcode = $langcode;
    $test = array(
      'language_negotiation' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/config',
      'expect' => $language_string,
      'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiationUser::METHOD_ID,
      'http_header' => array(),
      'message' => 'USER > DEFAULT: defined preferred user language setting, the UI language is based on user setting',

    // Set preferred admin langcode for user to NULL.
    $account->preferred_admin_langcode = NULL;
    $test = array(
      'language_negotiation' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/config',
      'expect' => $default_string,
      'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiatorInterface::METHOD_ID,
      'http_header' => array(),
      'message' => 'USER ADMIN > DEFAULT: no preferred user admin language setting, the UI language is default',

    // Set preferred admin langcode for user to unknown language.
    $account->preferred_admin_langcode = $langcode_unknown;
    $test = array(
      'language_negotiation' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/config',
      'expect' => $default_string,
      'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiatorInterface::METHOD_ID,
      'http_header' => array(),
      'message' => 'USER ADMIN > DEFAULT: invalid preferred user admin language setting, the UI language is default',

    // Set preferred admin langcode for user to non default.
    $account->preferred_admin_langcode = $langcode;
    $test = array(
      'language_negotiation' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/config',
      'expect' => $language_string,
      'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiationUserAdmin::METHOD_ID,
      'http_header' => array(),
      'message' => 'USER ADMIN > DEFAULT: defined preferred user admin language setting, the UI language is based on user setting',

    // Go by session preference.
    $language_negotiation_session_param = $this
    $edit = array(
      'language_negotiation_session_param' => $language_negotiation_session_param,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection/session', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    $tests = array(
        'language_negotiation' => array(
        'path' => "admin/config",
        'expect' => $default_string,
        'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiatorInterface::METHOD_ID,
        'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
        'message' => 'SESSION > DEFAULT: no language given, the UI language is default',
        'language_negotiation' => array(
        'path' => 'admin/config',
        'path_options' => [
          'query' => [
            $language_negotiation_session_param => $langcode,
        'expect' => $language_string,
        'expected_method_id' => LanguageNegotiationSession::METHOD_ID,
        'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
        'message' => 'SESSION > DEFAULT: language given, UI language is determined by session language preference',
    foreach ($tests as $test) {
  protected function runTest($test) {
    $test += array(
      'path_options' => [],
    if (!empty($test['language_negotiation'])) {
      $method_weights = array_flip($test['language_negotiation']);
        ->saveConfiguration(LanguageInterface::TYPE_INTERFACE, $method_weights);
    if (!empty($test['language_negotiation_url_part'])) {
        ->set('url.source', $test['language_negotiation_url_part'])
    if (!empty($test['language_test_domain'])) {
        ->set('language_test.domain', $test['language_test_domain']);
      ->drupalGet($test['path'], $test['path_options'], $test['http_header']);
      ->assertText($test['expect'], $test['message']);
      ->assertText(t('Language negotiation method: @name', array(
      '@name' => $test['expected_method_id'],

   * Test URL language detection when the requested URL has no language.
  function testUrlLanguageFallback() {

    // Add the Italian language.
    $langcode_browser_fallback = 'it';
    $languages = $this->container

    // Enable the path prefix for the default language: this way any unprefixed
    // URL must have a valid fallback value.
    $edit = array(
      'prefix[en]' => 'en',
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection/url', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Enable browser and URL language detection.
    $edit = array(
      'language_interface[enabled][language-browser]' => TRUE,
      'language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => TRUE,
      'language_interface[weight][language-browser]' => -8,
      'language_interface[weight][language-url]' => -10,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));

    // Enable the language switcher block.
      ->drupalPlaceBlock('language_block:' . LanguageInterface::TYPE_INTERFACE, array(
      'id' => 'test_language_block',

    // Log out, because for anonymous users, the "active" class is set by PHP
    // (which means we can easily test it here), whereas for authenticated users
    // it is set by JavaScript.

    // Place a site branding block in the header region.
      ->drupalPlaceBlock('system_branding_block', [
      'region' => 'header',

    // Access the front page without specifying any valid URL language prefix
    // and having as browser language preference a non-default language.
    $http_header = array(
      "Accept-Language: {$langcode_browser_fallback};q=1",
    $language = new Language(array(
      'id' => '',
      ->drupalGet('', array(
      'language' => $language,
    ), $http_header);

    // Check that the language switcher active link matches the given browser
    // language.
    $args = array(
      ':id' => 'block-test-language-block',
      ':url' => \Drupal::url('<front>') . $langcode_browser_fallback,
    $fields = $this
      ->xpath('//div[@id=:id]//a[@class="language-link is-active" and starts-with(@href, :url)]', $args);
      ->assertTrue($fields[0] == $languages[$langcode_browser_fallback]
      ->getName(), 'The browser language is the URL active language');

    // Check that URLs are rewritten using the given browser language.
    $fields = $this
      ->xpath('//div[@class="site-name"]/a[@rel="home" and @href=:url]', $args);
      ->assertTrue($fields[0] == 'Drupal', 'URLs are rewritten using the browser language.');

   * Tests URL handling when separate domains are used for multiple languages.
  function testLanguageDomain() {
    global $base_url;

    // Get the current host URI we're running on.
    $base_url_host = parse_url($base_url, PHP_URL_HOST);

    // Add the Italian language.
    $languages = $this->container

    // Enable browser and URL language detection.
    $edit = array(
      'language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => TRUE,
      'language_interface[weight][language-url]' => -10,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));

    // Do not allow blank domain.
    $edit = array(
      'language_negotiation_url_part' => LanguageNegotiationUrl::CONFIG_DOMAIN,
      'domain[en]' => '',
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection/url', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertText('The domain may not be left blank for English', 'The form does not allow blank domains.');

    // Change the domain for the Italian language.
    $edit = array(
      'language_negotiation_url_part' => LanguageNegotiationUrl::CONFIG_DOMAIN,
      'domain[en]' => $base_url_host,
      'domain[it]' => '',
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection/url', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertText('The configuration options have been saved', 'Domain configuration is saved.');

    // Try to use an invalid domain.
    $edit = [
      'language_negotiation_url_part' => LanguageNegotiationUrl::CONFIG_DOMAIN,
      'domain[en]' => $base_url_host,
      'domain[it]' => '',
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection/url', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertRaw(t('The domain for %language may only contain the domain name, not a trailing slash, protocol and/or port.', [
      '%language' => 'Italian',

    // Build the link we're going to test.
    $link = '' . rtrim(base_path(), '/') . '/admin';

    // Test URL in another language:
    // Base path gives problems on the testbot, so $correct_link is hard-coded.
    // @see UrlAlterFunctionalTest::assertUrlOutboundAlter (path.test).
    $italian_url = Url::fromRoute('system.admin', [], [
      'language' => $languages['it'],
    $url_scheme = \Drupal::request()
      ->isSecure() ? 'https://' : 'http://';
    $correct_link = $url_scheme . $link;
      ->assertEqual($italian_url, $correct_link, format_string('The right URL (@url) in accordance with the chosen language', array(
      '@url' => $italian_url,

    // Test HTTPS via options.
    $italian_url = Url::fromRoute('system.admin', [], [
      'https' => TRUE,
      'language' => $languages['it'],
    $correct_link = 'https://' . $link;
      ->assertTrue($italian_url == $correct_link, format_string('The right HTTPS URL (via options) (@url) in accordance with the chosen language', array(
      '@url' => $italian_url,

    // Test HTTPS via current URL scheme.
    $request = Request::create('', 'GET', array(), array(), array(), array(
      'HTTPS' => 'on',
    $italian_url = Url::fromRoute('system.admin', [], [
      'language' => $languages['it'],
    $correct_link = 'https://' . $link;
      ->assertTrue($italian_url == $correct_link, format_string('The right URL (via current URL scheme) (@url) in accordance with the chosen language', array(
      '@url' => $italian_url,

   * Tests persistence of negotiation settings for the content language type.
  public function testContentCustomization() {

    // Customize content language settings from their defaults.
    $edit = array(
      'language_content[configurable]' => TRUE,
      'language_content[enabled][language-url]' => FALSE,
      'language_content[enabled][language-session]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));

    // Check if configurability persisted.
    $config = $this
      ->assertTrue(in_array('language_interface', $config
      ->get('configurable')), 'Interface language is configurable.');
      ->assertTrue(in_array('language_content', $config
      ->get('configurable')), 'Content language is configurable.');

    // Ensure configuration was saved.
      ->assertFalse(array_key_exists('language-url', $config
      ->get('negotiation.language_content.enabled')), 'URL negotiation is not enabled for content.');
      ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('language-session', $config
      ->get('negotiation.language_content.enabled')), 'Session negotiation is enabled for content.');

   * Tests if the language switcher block gets deleted when a language type has been made not configurable.
  public function testDisableLanguageSwitcher() {
    $block_id = 'test_language_block';

    // Enable the language switcher block.
      ->drupalPlaceBlock('language_block:' . LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT, array(
      'id' => $block_id,

    // Check if the language switcher block has been created.
    $block = Block::load($block_id);
      ->assertTrue($block, 'Language switcher block was created.');

    // Make sure language_content is not configurable.
    $edit = array(
      'language_content[configurable]' => FALSE,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));

    // Check if the language switcher block has been removed.
    $block = Block::load($block_id);
      ->assertFalse($block, 'Language switcher block was removed.');



Namesort descending Description
LanguageUILanguageNegotiationTest Tests the language UI for language switching.