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protected function LanguageSwitchingTest::doTestLanguageLinkActiveClassAnonymous in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/language/src/Tests/LanguageSwitchingTest.php \Drupal\language\Tests\LanguageSwitchingTest::doTestLanguageLinkActiveClassAnonymous()

For anonymous users, the "active" class is set by PHP.

See also


1 call to LanguageSwitchingTest::doTestLanguageLinkActiveClassAnonymous()
LanguageSwitchingTest::testLanguageLinkActiveClass in core/modules/language/src/Tests/LanguageSwitchingTest.php
Test active class on links when switching languages.


core/modules/language/src/Tests/LanguageSwitchingTest.php, line 352
Contains \Drupal\language\Tests\LanguageSwitchingTest.


Functional tests for the language switching feature.




protected function doTestLanguageLinkActiveClassAnonymous() {
  $function_name = '#type link';

  // Test links generated by the link generator on an English page.
  $current_language = 'English';

  // Language code 'none' link should be active.
  $langcode = 'none';
  $links = $this
    ->xpath('//a[@id = :id and contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':id' => 'no_lang_link',
    ':class' => 'is-active',
    ->assertTrue(isset($links[0]), t('A link generated by :function to the current :language page with langcode :langcode is marked active.', array(
    ':function' => $function_name,
    ':language' => $current_language,
    ':langcode' => $langcode,

  // Language code 'en' link should be active.
  $langcode = 'en';
  $links = $this
    ->xpath('//a[@id = :id and contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':id' => 'en_link',
    ':class' => 'is-active',
    ->assertTrue(isset($links[0]), t('A link generated by :function to the current :language page with langcode :langcode is marked active.', array(
    ':function' => $function_name,
    ':language' => $current_language,
    ':langcode' => $langcode,

  // Language code 'fr' link should not be active.
  $langcode = 'fr';
  $links = $this
    ->xpath('//a[@id = :id and not(contains(@class, :class))]', array(
    ':id' => 'fr_link',
    ':class' => 'is-active',
    ->assertTrue(isset($links[0]), t('A link generated by :function to the current :language page with langcode :langcode is NOT marked active.', array(
    ':function' => $function_name,
    ':language' => $current_language,
    ':langcode' => $langcode,

  // Test links generated by the link generator on a French page.
  $current_language = 'French';

  // Language code 'none' link should be active.
  $langcode = 'none';
  $links = $this
    ->xpath('//a[@id = :id and contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':id' => 'no_lang_link',
    ':class' => 'is-active',
    ->assertTrue(isset($links[0]), t('A link generated by :function to the current :language page with langcode :langcode is marked active.', array(
    ':function' => $function_name,
    ':language' => $current_language,
    ':langcode' => $langcode,

  // Language code 'en' link should not be active.
  $langcode = 'en';
  $links = $this
    ->xpath('//a[@id = :id and not(contains(@class, :class))]', array(
    ':id' => 'en_link',
    ':class' => 'is-active',
    ->assertTrue(isset($links[0]), t('A link generated by :function to the current :language page with langcode :langcode is NOT marked active.', array(
    ':function' => $function_name,
    ':language' => $current_language,
    ':langcode' => $langcode,

  // Language code 'fr' link should be active.
  $langcode = 'fr';
  $links = $this
    ->xpath('//a[@id = :id and contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':id' => 'fr_link',
    ':class' => 'is-active',
    ->assertTrue(isset($links[0]), t('A link generated by :function to the current :language page with langcode :langcode is marked active.', array(
    ':function' => $function_name,
    ':language' => $current_language,
    ':langcode' => $langcode,