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public function LanguageNegotiationContentEntity::processOutbound in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/language/src/Plugin/LanguageNegotiation/LanguageNegotiationContentEntity.php \Drupal\language\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationContentEntity::processOutbound()

Processes the outbound path.


string $path: The path to process, with a leading slash.

array $options: (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following elements:

  • 'query': An array of query key/value-pairs (without any URL-encoding) to append to the URL.
  • 'fragment': A fragment identifier (named anchor) to append to the URL. Do not include the leading '#' character.
  • 'absolute': Defaults to FALSE. Whether to force the output to be an absolute link (beginning with http:). Useful for links that will be displayed outside the site, such as in an RSS feed.
  • 'language': An optional language object used to look up the alias for the URL. If $options['language'] is omitted, it defaults to the current language for the language type LanguageInterface::TYPE_URL.
  • 'https': Whether this URL should point to a secure location. If not defined, the current scheme is used, so the user stays on HTTP or HTTPS respectively. TRUE enforces HTTPS and FALSE enforces HTTP.
  • 'base_url': Only used internally by a path processor, for example, to modify the base URL when a language dependent URL requires so.
  • 'prefix': Only used internally, to modify the path when a language dependent URL requires so.
  • 'route': The route object for the given path. It will be set by \Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGenerator::generateFromRoute().

\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request: The HttpRequest object representing the current request.

\Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata: (optional) Object to collect path processors' bubbleable metadata.

Return value

string The processed path.

Overrides OutboundPathProcessorInterface::processOutbound


core/modules/language/src/Plugin/LanguageNegotiation/LanguageNegotiationContentEntity.php, line 108
Contains \Drupal\language\Plugin\LanguageNegotiation\LanguageNegotiationContentEntity.


Class for identifying the content translation language.




public function processOutbound($path, &$options = [], Request $request = NULL, BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata = NULL) {

  // If appropriate, process outbound to add a query parameter to the url and
  // remove the language option, so that url negotiator does not rewrite the
  // url.
  // First, check if processing conditions are met.
  if (!($request && !empty($options['route']) && $this
    ->hasLowerLanguageNegotiationWeight() && $this
    ->meetsContentEntityRoutesCondition($options['route'], $request))) {
    return $path;
  if (isset($options['language']) || ($langcode = $this
    ->getLangcode($request))) {

    // If the language option is set, unset it, so that the url language
    // negotiator does not rewrite the url.
    if (isset($options['language'])) {
      $langcode = $options['language']
    if (isset($options['query']) && is_string($options['query'])) {
      $query = [];
      parse_str($options['query'], $query);
      $options['query'] = $query;
    else {
      $options['query'] = [];
    if (!isset($options['query'][static::QUERY_PARAMETER])) {
      $query_addon = [
        static::QUERY_PARAMETER => $langcode,
      $options['query'] += $query_addon;

      // @todo Remove this once lands.
      $path .= (strpos($path, '?') !== FALSE ? '&' : '?') . UrlHelper::buildQuery($query_addon);
    if ($bubbleable_metadata) {

      // Cached URLs that have been processed by this outbound path
      // processor must be:
        'url.query_args:' . static::QUERY_PARAMETER,
  return $path;