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public function FileItemTest::testFileItem in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/file/src/Tests/FileItemTest.php \Drupal\file\Tests\FileItemTest::testFileItem()

Tests using entity fields of the file field type.


core/modules/file/src/Tests/FileItemTest.php, line 73
Contains \Drupal\file\Tests\FileItemTest.


Tests using entity fields of the file field type.




public function testFileItem() {

  // Check that the selection handler was automatically assigned to
  // 'default:file'.
  $field_definition = FieldConfig::load('entity_test.entity_test.file_test');
  $handler_id = $field_definition
    ->assertEqual($handler_id, 'default:file');

  // Create a test entity with the
  $entity = entity_create('entity_test');
  $entity->file_test->target_id = $this->file
  $entity->file_test->display = 1;
  $entity->file_test->description = $description = $this
  $entity->name->value = $this
  $entity = entity_load('entity_test', $entity
    ->assertTrue($entity->file_test instanceof FieldItemListInterface, 'Field implements interface.');
    ->assertTrue($entity->file_test[0] instanceof FieldItemInterface, 'Field item implements interface.');
    ->assertEqual($entity->file_test->target_id, $this->file
    ->assertEqual($entity->file_test->display, 1);
    ->assertEqual($entity->file_test->description, $description);
    ->getFileUri(), $this->file
    ->url(), $url = file_create_url($this->file
    ->id(), $this->file
    ->uuid(), $this->file

  // Make sure the computed files reflects updates to the file.
  file_put_contents('public://example-2.txt', $this
  $file2 = entity_create('file', array(
    'uri' => 'public://example-2.txt',
  $entity->file_test->target_id = $file2
    ->id(), $file2
    ->getFileUri(), $file2

  // Test the deletion of an entity having an entity reference field targeting
  // a non-existing entity.

  // Test the generateSampleValue() method.
  $entity = entity_create('entity_test');

  // Verify that the sample file was stored in the correct directory.
  $uri = $entity->file_test->entity
    ->assertEqual($this->directory, dirname(file_uri_target($uri)));

  // Make sure the computed files reflects updates to the file.
  file_put_contents('public://example-3.txt', $this

  // Test unsaved file entity.
  $file3 = entity_create('file', array(
    'uri' => 'public://example-3.txt',
  $display = entity_get_display('entity_test', 'entity_test', 'default');
    ->setComponent('file_test', [
    'label' => 'above',
    'type' => 'file_default',
    'weight' => 1,
  $entity = entity_create('entity_test');
  $entity->file_test = array(
    'entity' => $file3,
  $uri = $file3
  $output = entity_view($entity, 'default');
    ->getFileUri(), $uri);