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function ManageFieldsTest::addExistingField in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/field_ui/src/Tests/ManageFieldsTest.php \Drupal\field_ui\Tests\ManageFieldsTest::addExistingField()

Tests adding an existing field in another content type.

1 call to ManageFieldsTest::addExistingField()
ManageFieldsTest::testCRUDFields in core/modules/field_ui/src/Tests/ManageFieldsTest.php
Runs the field CRUD tests.


core/modules/field_ui/src/Tests/ManageFieldsTest.php, line 225
Contains \Drupal\field_ui\Tests\ManageFieldsTest.


Tests the Field UI "Manage fields" screen.




function addExistingField() {

  // Check "Re-use existing field" appears.
    ->assertRaw(t('Re-use an existing field'), '"Re-use existing field" was found.');

  // Check that fields of other entity types (here, the 'comment_body' field)
  // do not show up in the "Re-use existing field" list.
    ->xpath('//select[@id="edit-existing-storage-name"]//option[@value="comment"]'), 'The list of options respects entity type restrictions.');

  // Validate the FALSE assertion above by also testing a valid one.
    ->xpath('//select[@id="edit-existing-storage-name"]//option[@value=:field_name]', array(
    ':field_name' => $this->fieldName,
  )), 'The list of options shows a valid option.');

  // Add a new field based on an existing field.
    ->fieldUIAddExistingField("admin/structure/types/manage/page", $this->fieldName, $this->fieldLabel . '_2');