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FieldAttachStorageTest.php in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/field/src/Tests/FieldAttachStorageTest.php




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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\field\Tests\FieldAttachStorageTest.
namespace Drupal\field\Tests;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;

 * Tests storage-related Field Attach API functions.
 * @group field
 * @todo move this to the Entity module
class FieldAttachStorageTest extends FieldUnitTestBase {
  protected function setUp() {

   * Check field values insert, update and load.
   * Works independently of the underlying field storage backend. Inserts or
   * updates random field data and then loads and verifies the data.
  function testFieldAttachSaveLoad() {
    $entity_type = 'entity_test_rev';
      ->createFieldWithStorage('', $entity_type);
    $cardinality = $this->fieldTestData->field_storage

    // TODO : test empty values filtering and "compression" (store consecutive deltas).
    // Preparation: create three revisions and store them in $revision array.
    $values = array();
    $entity = entity_create($entity_type);
    for ($revision_id = 0; $revision_id < 3; $revision_id++) {

      // Note: we try to insert one extra value.
      $current_values = $this
        ->_generateTestFieldValues($cardinality + 1);
      $entity_id = $entity
      $current_revision = $entity
      $values[$current_revision] = $current_values;
    $storage = $this->container
    $entity = $storage

    // Confirm current revision loads the correct data.
    // Number of values per field loaded equals the field cardinality.
      ->assertEqual(count($entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}), $cardinality, 'Current revision: expected number of values');
    for ($delta = 0; $delta < $cardinality; $delta++) {

      // The field value loaded matches the one inserted or updated.
        ->assertEqual($entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}[$delta]->value, $values[$current_revision][$delta]['value'], format_string('Current revision: expected value %delta was found.', array(
        '%delta' => $delta,

    // Confirm each revision loads the correct data.
    foreach (array_keys($values) as $revision_id) {
      $entity = $storage

      // Number of values per field loaded equals the field cardinality.
        ->assertEqual(count($entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}), $cardinality, format_string('Revision %revision_id: expected number of values.', array(
        '%revision_id' => $revision_id,
      for ($delta = 0; $delta < $cardinality; $delta++) {

        // The field value loaded matches the one inserted or updated.
          ->assertEqual($entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}[$delta]->value, $values[$revision_id][$delta]['value'], format_string('Revision %revision_id: expected value %delta was found.', array(
          '%revision_id' => $revision_id,
          '%delta' => $delta,

   * Test the 'multiple' load feature.
  function testFieldAttachLoadMultiple() {
    $entity_type = 'entity_test_rev';

    // Define 2 bundles.
    $bundles = array(
      1 => 'test_bundle_1',
      2 => 'test_bundle_2',

    // Define 3 fields:
    // - field_1 is in bundle_1 and bundle_2,
    // - field_2 is in bundle_1,
    // - field_3 is in bundle_2.
    $field_bundles_map = array(
      1 => array(
      2 => array(
      3 => array(
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
      $field_names[$i] = 'field_' . $i;
      $field_storage = entity_create('field_storage_config', array(
        'field_name' => $field_names[$i],
        'entity_type' => $entity_type,
        'type' => 'test_field',
      $field_ids[$i] = $field_storage
      foreach ($field_bundles_map[$i] as $bundle) {
        entity_create('field_config', array(
          'field_name' => $field_names[$i],
          'entity_type' => $entity_type,
          'bundle' => $bundles[$bundle],

    // Create one test entity per bundle, with random values.
    foreach ($bundles as $index => $bundle) {
      $entities[$index] = entity_create($entity_type, array(
        'id' => $index,
        'revision_id' => $index,
        'type' => $bundle,
      $entity = clone $entities[$index];
      foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
        if (!$entity
          ->hasField($field_name)) {
        $values[$index][$field_name] = mt_rand(1, 127);
          'value' => $values[$index][$field_name],

    // Check that a single load correctly loads field values for both entities.
    $controller = \Drupal::entityManager()
    $entities = $controller
    foreach ($entities as $index => $entity) {
      foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
        if (!$entity
          ->hasField($field_name)) {

        // The field value loaded matches the one inserted.
          ->assertEqual($entity->{$field_name}->value, $values[$index][$field_name], format_string('Entity %index: expected value was found.', array(
          '%index' => $index,

   * Tests insert and update with empty or NULL fields.
  function testFieldAttachSaveEmptyData() {
    $entity_type = 'entity_test';
      ->createFieldWithStorage('', $entity_type);
    $entity_init = entity_create($entity_type, array(
      'id' => 1,

    // Insert: Field is NULL.
    $entity = clone $entity_init;
    $entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name} = NULL;
    $entity = $this
      ->isEmpty(), 'Insert: NULL field results in no value saved');

    // All saves after this point should be updates, not inserts.

    // Add some real data.
    $entity = clone $entity_init;
    $values = $this
    $entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name} = $values;
    $entity = $this
      ->getValue(), $values, 'Field data saved');

    // Update: Field is NULL. Data should be wiped.
    $entity = clone $entity_init;
    $entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name} = NULL;
    $entity = $this
      ->isEmpty(), 'Update: NULL field removes existing values');

    // Re-add some data.
    $entity = clone $entity_init;
    $values = $this
    $entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name} = $values;
    $entity = $this
      ->getValue(), $values, 'Field data saved');

    // Update: Field is empty array. Data should be wiped.
    $entity = clone $entity_init;
    $entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name} = array();
    $entity = $this
      ->isEmpty(), 'Update: empty array removes existing values');

   * Test insert with empty or NULL fields, with default value.
  function testFieldAttachSaveEmptyDataDefaultValue() {
    $entity_type = 'entity_test_rev';
      ->createFieldWithStorage('', $entity_type);

    // Add a default value function.
      ->set('default_value_callback', 'field_test_default_value');

    // Verify that fields are populated with default values.
    $entity_init = entity_create($entity_type, array(
      'id' => 1,
      'revision_id' => 1,
    $default = field_test_default_value($entity_init, $this->fieldTestData->field);
      ->getValue(), $default, 'Default field value correctly populated.');

    // Insert: Field is NULL.
    $entity = clone $entity_init;
    $entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name} = NULL;
    $entity = $this
      ->isEmpty(), 'Insert: NULL field results in no value saved');

    // Verify that prepopulated field values are not overwritten by defaults.
    $value = array(
        'value' => $default[0]['value'] - mt_rand(1, 127),
    $entity = entity_create($entity_type, array(
      'type' => $entity_init
      $this->fieldTestData->field_name => $value,
      ->getValue(), $value, 'Prepopulated field value correctly maintained.');

   * Test entity deletion.
  function testFieldAttachDelete() {
    $entity_type = 'entity_test_rev';
      ->createFieldWithStorage('', $entity_type);
    $cardinality = $this->fieldTestData->field_storage
    $entity = entity_create($entity_type, array(
      'type' => $this->fieldTestData->field
    $vids = array();

    // Create revision 0
    $values = $this
    $entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name} = $values;
    $vids[] = $entity

    // Create revision 1
    $vids[] = $entity

    // Create revision 2
    $vids[] = $entity
    $controller = $this->container

    // Confirm each revision loads
    foreach ($vids as $vid) {
      $revision = $controller
        ->assertEqual(count($revision->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}), $cardinality, "The test entity revision {$vid} has {$cardinality} values.");

    // Delete revision 1, confirm the other two still load.
    foreach (array(
    ) as $key) {
      $vid = $vids[$key];
      $revision = $controller
        ->assertEqual(count($revision->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}), $cardinality, "The test entity revision {$vid} has {$cardinality} values.");

    // Confirm the current revision still loads
    $current = $controller
      ->assertEqual(count($current->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}), $cardinality, "The test entity current revision has {$cardinality} values.");

    // Delete all field data, confirm nothing loads
    foreach (array(
    ) as $vid) {
      $revision = $controller

   * Test entity_bundle_create().
  function testEntityCreateBundle() {
    $entity_type = 'entity_test_rev';
      ->createFieldWithStorage('', $entity_type);
    $cardinality = $this->fieldTestData->field_storage

    // Create a new bundle.
    $new_bundle = 'test_bundle_' . Unicode::strtolower($this
    entity_test_create_bundle($new_bundle, NULL, $entity_type);

    // Add a field to that bundle.
    $this->fieldTestData->field_definition['bundle'] = $new_bundle;
    entity_create('field_config', $this->fieldTestData->field_definition)

    // Save an entity with data in the field.
    $entity = entity_create($entity_type, array(
      'type' => $this->fieldTestData->field
    $values = $this
    $entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name} = $values;

    // Verify the field data is present on load.
    $entity = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}), $cardinality, "Data is retrieved for the new bundle");

   * Test entity_bundle_delete().
  function testEntityDeleteBundle() {
    $entity_type = 'entity_test_rev';
      ->createFieldWithStorage('', $entity_type);

    // Create a new bundle.
    $new_bundle = 'test_bundle_' . Unicode::strtolower($this
    entity_test_create_bundle($new_bundle, NULL, $entity_type);

    // Add a field to that bundle.
    $this->fieldTestData->field_definition['bundle'] = $new_bundle;
    entity_create('field_config', $this->fieldTestData->field_definition)

    // Create a second field for the test bundle
    $field_name = Unicode::strtolower($this
      ->randomMachineName() . '_field_name');
    $field_storage = array(
      'field_name' => $field_name,
      'entity_type' => $entity_type,
      'type' => 'test_field',
      'cardinality' => 1,
    entity_create('field_storage_config', $field_storage)
    $field = array(
      'field_name' => $field_name,
      'entity_type' => $entity_type,
      'bundle' => $this->fieldTestData->field
      'label' => $this
        ->randomMachineName() . '_label',
      'description' => $this
        ->randomMachineName() . '_description',
      'weight' => mt_rand(0, 127),
    entity_create('field_config', $field)

    // Save an entity with data for both fields
    $entity = entity_create($entity_type, array(
      'type' => $this->fieldTestData->field
    $values = $this
    $entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name} = $values;
    $entity->{$field_name} = $this
    $entity = $this

    // Verify the fields are present on load
      ->assertEqual(count($entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}), 4, 'First field got loaded');
      ->assertEqual(count($entity->{$field_name}), 1, 'Second field got loaded');

    // Delete the bundle.
      ->getTargetBundle(), $entity_type);

    // Verify no data gets loaded
    $controller = $this->container
    $entity = $controller
      ->assertTrue(empty($entity->{$this->fieldTestData->field_name}), 'No data for first field');
      ->assertTrue(empty($entity->{$field_name}), 'No data for second field');

    // Verify that the fields are gone.
      ->assertFalse(FieldConfig::load('entity_test.' . $this->fieldTestData->field
      ->getTargetBundle() . '.' . $this->fieldTestData->field_name), "First field is deleted");
      ->assertFalse(FieldConfig::load('entity_test.' . $field['bundle'] . '.' . $field_name), "Second field is deleted");



Namesort descending Description
FieldAttachStorageTest Tests storage-related Field Attach API functions.