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public function ConfigOtherModuleTest::testInstallOtherModuleFirst in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/config/src/Tests/ConfigOtherModuleTest.php \Drupal\config\Tests\ConfigOtherModuleTest::testInstallOtherModuleFirst()

Tests enabling the provider of the default configuration first.


core/modules/config/src/Tests/ConfigOtherModuleTest.php, line 22
Contains \Drupal\config\Tests\ConfigOtherModuleTest.


Tests default configuration provided by a module that does not own it.




public function testInstallOtherModuleFirst() {

  // Check that the config entity doesn't exist before the config_test module
  // is enabled. We cannot use the entity system because the config_test
  // entity type does not exist.
  $config = $this
    ->isNew(), 'Default configuration for other modules is not installed if that module is not enabled.');

  // Install the module that provides the entity type. This installs the
  // default configuration.
    ->assertTrue(entity_load('config_test', 'other_module_test', TRUE), 'Default configuration has been installed.');

  // Uninstall the module that provides the entity type. This will remove the
  // default configuration.
  $config = $this
    ->isNew(), 'Default configuration for other modules is removed when the config entity provider is disabled.');

  // Install the module that provides the entity type again. This installs the
  // default configuration.
  $other_module_config_entity = entity_load('config_test', 'other_module_test', TRUE);
    ->assertTrue($other_module_config_entity, "Default configuration has been recreated.");

  // Update the default configuration to test that the changes are preserved
  // if the module that provides the default configuration is uninstalled.
    ->set('style', "The piano ain't got no wrong notes.");

  // Uninstall the module that provides the default configuration.
    ->assertTrue(entity_load('config_test', 'other_module_test', TRUE), 'Default configuration for other modules is not removed when the module that provides it is uninstalled.');

  // Default configuration provided by config_test should still exist.
    ->assertTrue(entity_load('config_test', 'dotted.default', TRUE), 'The configuration is not deleted.');

  // Re-enable module to test that pre-existing optional configuration does
  // not throw an error.
    ->moduleExists('config_other_module_config_test'), 'The config_other_module_config_test module is installed.');

  // Ensure that optional configuration with unmet dependencies is only
  // installed once all the dependencies are met.
    ->assertNull(entity_load('config_test', 'other_module_test_unmet', TRUE), 'The optional configuration whose dependencies are met is not created.');
    ->assertTrue(entity_load('config_test', 'other_module_test_unmet', TRUE), 'The optional configuration whose dependencies are met is now created.');