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function ConfigImportUITest::testImport in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/config/src/Tests/ConfigImportUITest.php \Drupal\config\Tests\ConfigImportUITest::testImport()

Tests importing configuration.


core/modules/config/src/Tests/ConfigImportUITest.php, line 47
Contains \Drupal\config\Tests\ConfigImportUITest.


Tests the user interface for importing/exporting configuration.




function testImport() {
  $name = '';
  $dynamic_name = '';

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface $sync */
  $sync = $this->container
    ->assertText('There are no configuration changes to import.');
    ->assertNoFieldById('edit-submit', t('Import all'));

  // Create updated configuration object.
  $new_site_name = 'Config import test ' . $this
    ->exists($name), TRUE, $name . ' found.');

  // Create new config entity.
  $original_dynamic_data = array(
    'uuid' => '30df59bd-7b03-4cf7-bb35-d42fc49f0651',
    'langcode' => \Drupal::languageManager()
    'status' => TRUE,
    'dependencies' => array(),
    'id' => 'new',
    'label' => 'New',
    'weight' => 0,
    'style' => '',
    'size' => '',
    'size_value' => '',
    'protected_property' => '',
    ->write($dynamic_name, $original_dynamic_data);
    ->exists($dynamic_name), TRUE, $dynamic_name . ' found.');

  // Enable the Action and Ban modules during import. The Ban
  // module is used because it creates a table during the install. The Action
  // module is used because it creates a single simple configuration file
  // during the install.
  $core_extension = $this
  $core_extension['module']['action'] = 0;
  $core_extension['module']['ban'] = 0;
  $core_extension['module'] = module_config_sort($core_extension['module']);

  // Bartik is a subtheme of classy so classy must be enabled.
  $core_extension['theme']['classy'] = 0;
  $core_extension['theme']['bartik'] = 0;
    ->write('core.extension', $core_extension);

  // Use the install storage so that we can read configuration from modules
  // and themes that are not installed.
  $install_storage = new InstallStorage();

  // Set the Bartik theme as default.
  $system_theme = $this
  $system_theme['default'] = 'bartik';
    ->write('system.theme', $system_theme);

  // Read the action config from module default config folder.
  $action_settings = $install_storage
  $action_settings['recursion_limit'] = 50;
    ->write('action.settings', $action_settings);

  // Uninstall the Options and Text modules to ensure that dependencies are
  // handled correctly. Options depends on Text so Text should be installed
  // first. Since they were enabled during the test setup the core.extension
  // file in sync will already contain them.

  // Set the state system to record installations and uninstallations.
    ->set('ConfigImportUITest.core.extension.modules_installed', array());
    ->set('ConfigImportUITest.core.extension.modules_uninstalled', array());

  // Verify that both appear as ready to import.
    ->assertRaw('<td>' . $name);
    ->assertRaw('<td>' . $dynamic_name);
    ->assertFieldById('edit-submit', t('Import all'));

  // Import and verify that both do not appear anymore.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Import all'));
    ->assertNoRaw('<td>' . $name);
    ->assertNoRaw('<td>' . $dynamic_name);
    ->assertNoFieldById('edit-submit', t('Import all'));

  // Verify that there are no further changes to import.
    ->assertText(t('There are no configuration changes to import.'));

  // Verify site name has changed.
    ->assertIdentical($new_site_name, $this

  // Verify that new config entity exists.
    ->assertIdentical($original_dynamic_data, $this

  // Verify the cache got cleared.
    ->moduleExists('ban'), 'Ban module installed during import.');
    ->tableExists('ban_ip'), 'The database table ban_ip exists.');
    ->moduleExists('action'), 'Action module installed during import.');
    ->moduleExists('options'), 'Options module installed during import.');
    ->moduleExists('text'), 'Text module installed during import.');
  $theme_info = \Drupal::service('theme_handler')
    ->assertTrue($theme_info['bartik']->status, 'Bartik theme installed during import.');

  // Ensure installations and uninstallation occur as expected.
  $installed = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('ConfigImportUITest.core.extension.modules_installed', array());
  $uninstalled = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('ConfigImportUITest.core.extension.modules_uninstalled', array());
  $expected = array(
    ->assertIdentical($expected, $installed, 'Action, Ban, Text and Options modules installed in the correct order.');
    ->assertTrue(empty($uninstalled), 'No modules uninstalled during import');

  // Verify that the action.settings configuration object was only written
  // once during the import process and only with the value set in the staged
  // configuration. This verifies that the module's default configuration is
  // used during configuration import and, additionally, that after installing
  // a module, that configuration is not synced twice.
  $recursion_limit_values = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('ConfigImportUITest.action.settings.recursion_limit', array());
    ->assertIdentical($recursion_limit_values, array(
  $core_extension = $this
    ->write('core.extension', $core_extension);
  $system_theme = $this
  $system_theme['default'] = 'stark';
  $system_theme['admin'] = 'stark';
    ->write('system.theme', $system_theme);

  // Set the state system to record installations and uninstallations.
    ->set('ConfigImportUITest.core.extension.modules_installed', array());
    ->set('ConfigImportUITest.core.extension.modules_uninstalled', array());

  // Verify that both appear as ready to import.

  // Import and verify that both do not appear anymore.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Import all'));
    ->moduleExists('ban'), 'Ban module uninstalled during import.');
    ->tableExists('ban_ip'), 'The database table ban_ip does not exist.');
    ->moduleExists('action'), 'Action module uninstalled during import.');
    ->moduleExists('options'), 'Options module uninstalled during import.');
    ->moduleExists('text'), 'Text module uninstalled during import.');

  // Ensure installations and uninstallation occur as expected.
  $installed = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('ConfigImportUITest.core.extension.modules_installed', array());
  $uninstalled = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('ConfigImportUITest.core.extension.modules_uninstalled', array());
  $expected = array(
    ->assertIdentical($expected, $uninstalled, 'Options, Text, Ban and Action modules uninstalled in the correct order.');
    ->assertTrue(empty($installed), 'No modules installed during import');
  $theme_info = \Drupal::service('theme_handler')
    ->assertFalse(isset($theme_info['bartik']), 'Bartik theme uninstalled during import.');

  // Verify that the action.settings configuration object was only deleted
  // once during the import process.
  $delete_called = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('ConfigImportUITest.action.settings.delete', 0);
    ->assertIdentical($delete_called, 1, "The action.settings configuration was deleted once during configuration import.");