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function ConfigDependencyWebTest::testConfigDependencyDeleteFormTrait in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/config/src/Tests/ConfigDependencyWebTest.php \Drupal\config\Tests\ConfigDependencyWebTest::testConfigDependencyDeleteFormTrait()

Tests ConfigDependencyDeleteFormTrait.

See also



core/modules/config/src/Tests/ConfigDependencyWebTest.php, line 37
Contains \Drupal\config\Tests\ConfigDependencyWebTest.


Tests configuration entities.




function testConfigDependencyDeleteFormTrait() {
    'administer site configuration',

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorage $storage */
  $storage = $this->container

  // Entity1 will be deleted by the test.
  $entity1 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity1',
    'label' => 'Entity One',

  // Entity2 has a dependency on Entity1 but it can be fixed because
  // \Drupal\config_test\Entity::onDependencyRemoval() will remove the
  // dependency before config entities are deleted.
  $entity2 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity2',
    'dependencies' => array(
      'enforced' => array(
        'config' => array(
    ->assertNoText(t('Configuration updates'), 'No configuration updates found.');
    ->assertNoText(t('Configuration deletions'), 'No configuration deletes found.');
    ->assertNoText(t('Configuration updates'), 'No configuration updates found.');
    ->assertText(t('Configuration deletions'), 'Configuration deletions found.');
    ->id(), 'Entity2 id found');
    ->urlInfo('delete-form'), array(), 'Delete');
  ]), 'Test entities deleted');

  // Set a more complicated test where dependencies will be fixed.
  // Entity1 will be deleted by the test.
  $entity1 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity1',
    ->set('config_test.fix_dependencies', array(

  // Entity2 has a dependency on Entity1 but it can be fixed because
  // \Drupal\config_test\Entity::onDependencyRemoval() will remove the
  // dependency before config entities are deleted.
  $entity2 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity2',
    'label' => 'Entity Two',
    'dependencies' => array(
      'enforced' => array(
        'config' => array(

  // Entity3 will be unchanged because it is dependent on Entity2 which can
  // be fixed.
  $entity3 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity3',
    'dependencies' => array(
      'enforced' => array(
        'config' => array(
    ->assertText(t('Configuration updates'), 'Configuration updates found.');
    ->assertNoText(t('Configuration deletions'), 'No configuration deletions found.');
    ->id(), 'Entity2 id not found');
    ->label(), 'Entity2 label not found');
    ->id(), 'Entity3 id not found');
    ->urlInfo('delete-form'), array(), 'Delete');
    ->load('entity1'), 'Test entity 1 deleted');
  $entity2 = $storage
    ->assertTrue($entity2, 'Entity 2 not deleted');
    ->getDependencies()['config'], array(), 'Entity 2 dependencies updated to remove dependency on Entity1.');
  $entity3 = $storage
    ->assertTrue($entity3, 'Entity 3 not deleted');
    ->getDependencies()['config'], [
  ], 'Entity 3 still depends on Entity 2.');