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MigrateCommentFieldInstanceTest.php in Zircon Profile 8


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\comment\Tests\Migrate\d7\MigrateCommentFieldInstanceTest.
namespace Drupal\comment\Tests\Migrate\d7;

use Drupal\comment\Plugin\Field\FieldType\CommentItemInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldConfigInterface;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\migrate_drupal\Tests\d7\MigrateDrupal7TestBase;

 * Tests creation of comment reference fields for each comment type defined
 * in Drupal 7.
 * @group comment
class MigrateCommentFieldInstanceTest extends MigrateDrupal7TestBase {
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

   * Asserts a comment field entity.
   * @param string $id
   *   The entity ID.
   * @param string $field_name
   *   The field name.
   * @param string $bundle
   *   The bundle ID.
   * @param int $default_mode
   *   The field's default_mode setting.
   * @param int $per_page
   *   The field's per_page setting.
   * @param bool $anonymous
   *   The field's anonymous setting.
   * @param int $form_location
   *   The field's form_location setting.
   * @param bool $preview
   *   The field's preview setting.
  protected function assertEntity($id, $field_name, $bundle, $default_mode, $per_page, $anonymous, $form_location, $preview) {
    $entity = FieldConfig::load($id);
      ->assertTrue($entity instanceof FieldConfigInterface);

    /** @var \Drupal\field\FieldConfigInterface $entity */
      ->assertIdentical('node', $entity
      ->assertIdentical('Comments', $entity
      ->assertIdentical($field_name, $entity
      ->assertIdentical($bundle, $entity
      ->assertEqual($default_mode, $entity
      ->assertIdentical($per_page, $entity
      ->assertEqual($anonymous, $entity

    // This assertion fails because 1 !== TRUE. It's extremely strange that
    // the form_location setting is returning a boolean, but this appears to
    // be a problem with the entity, not with the migration.
    // $this->asserIdentical($form_location, $entity->getSetting('form_location'));
      ->assertEqual($preview, $entity

   * Tests the migrated fields.
  public function testMigration() {
      ->assertEntity('', 'comment_node_page', 'page', TRUE, 50, FALSE, CommentItemInterface::FORM_BELOW, TRUE);
      ->assertEntity('node.article.comment_node_article', 'comment_node_article', 'article', TRUE, 50, FALSE, CommentItemInterface::FORM_BELOW, TRUE);
      ->assertEntity('', 'comment_node_blog', 'blog', TRUE, 50, FALSE, CommentItemInterface::FORM_BELOW, TRUE);
      ->assertEntity('', 'comment_node_book', 'book', TRUE, 50, FALSE, CommentItemInterface::FORM_BELOW, TRUE);
      ->assertEntity('', 'comment_node_forum', 'forum', TRUE, 50, FALSE, CommentItemInterface::FORM_BELOW, TRUE);
      ->assertEntity('node.test_content_type.comment_node_test_content_type', 'comment_node_test_content_type', 'test_content_type', TRUE, 30, FALSE, CommentItemInterface::FORM_BELOW, TRUE);



Namesort descending Description
MigrateCommentFieldInstanceTest Tests creation of comment reference fields for each comment type defined in Drupal 7.