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public function CommentPreviewTest::testCommentPreviewDuplicateSubmission in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/comment/src/Tests/CommentPreviewTest.php \Drupal\comment\Tests\CommentPreviewTest::testCommentPreviewDuplicateSubmission()

Tests comment preview.


core/modules/comment/src/Tests/CommentPreviewTest.php, line 85
Contains \Drupal\comment\Tests\CommentPreviewTest.


Tests comment preview.




public function testCommentPreviewDuplicateSubmission() {

  // As admin user, configure comment settings.
    ->setCommentSettings('default_mode', CommentManagerInterface::COMMENT_MODE_THREADED, 'Comment paging changed.');

  // Login as web user.

  // As the web user, fill in the comment form and preview the comment.
  $edit = array();
  $edit['subject[0][value]'] = $this
  $edit['comment_body[0][value]'] = $this
    ->drupalPostForm('node/' . $this->node
    ->id(), $edit, t('Preview'));

  // Check that the preview is displaying the title and body.
    ->assertTitle(t('Preview comment | Drupal'), 'Page title is "Preview comment".');
    ->assertText($edit['subject[0][value]'], 'Subject displayed.');
    ->assertText($edit['comment_body[0][value]'], 'Comment displayed.');

  // Check that the title and body fields are displayed with the correct values.
    ->assertFieldByName('subject[0][value]', $edit['subject[0][value]'], 'Subject field displayed.');
    ->assertFieldByName('comment_body[0][value]', $edit['comment_body[0][value]'], 'Comment field displayed.');

  // Store the content of this page.
  $content = $this
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Save');
    ->assertText('Your comment has been posted.');
  $elements = $this
    ->xpath('//section[contains(@class, "comment-wrapper")]/article');
    ->assertEqual(1, count($elements));

  // Reset the content of the page to simulate the browser's back button, and
  // re-submit the form.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Save');
    ->assertText('Your comment has been posted.');
  $elements = $this
    ->xpath('//section[contains(@class, "comment-wrapper")]/article');
    ->assertEqual(2, count($elements));