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  1. 8.0 core/modules/ckeditor/src/Tests/CKEditorTest.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\ckeditor\Tests\CKEditorTest.
namespace Drupal\ckeditor\Tests;

use Drupal\simpletest\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;
use Drupal\editor\Entity\Editor;

 * Tests for the 'CKEditor' text editor plugin.
 * @group ckeditor
class CKEditorTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(

   * An instance of the "CKEditor" text editor plugin.
   * @var \Drupal\ckeditor\Plugin\Editor\CKEditor;
  protected $ckeditor;

   * The Editor Plugin Manager.
   * @var \Drupal\editor\Plugin\EditorManager;
  protected $manager;
  protected function setUp() {

    // Install the Filter module.
      ->installSchema('system', 'url_alias');

    // Create text format, associate CKEditor.
    $filtered_html_format = entity_create('filter_format', array(
      'format' => 'filtered_html',
      'name' => 'Filtered HTML',
      'weight' => 0,
      'filters' => array(
        'filter_html' => array(
          'status' => 1,
          'settings' => array(
            'allowed_html' => '<h2 id> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <p> <br> <strong> <a href hreflang>',
    $editor = entity_create('editor', array(
      'format' => 'filtered_html',
      'editor' => 'ckeditor',

    // Create "CKEditor" text editor plugin instance.
    $this->ckeditor = $this->container

   * Tests CKEditor::getJSSettings().
  function testGetJSSettings() {
    $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');

    // Default toolbar.
    $expected_config = $this
      ->getDefaultInternalConfig() + array(
      'drupalImage_dialogTitleAdd' => 'Insert Image',
      'drupalImage_dialogTitleEdit' => 'Edit Image',
      'drupalLink_dialogTitleAdd' => 'Add Link',
      'drupalLink_dialogTitleEdit' => 'Edit Link',
      'allowedContent' => $this
      'disallowedContent' => $this
      'toolbar' => $this
      'contentsCss' => $this
      'extraPlugins' => 'drupalimage,drupallink',
      'language' => 'en',
      'stylesSet' => FALSE,
      'drupalExternalPlugins' => array(
        'drupalimage' => file_create_url('core/modules/ckeditor/js/plugins/drupalimage/plugin.js'),
        'drupallink' => file_create_url('core/modules/ckeditor/js/plugins/drupallink/plugin.js'),
    $expected_config = $this
      ->assertIdentical($expected_config, $this
      ->getJSSettings($editor)), 'Generated JS settings are correct for default configuration.');

    // Customize the configuration: add button, have two contextually enabled
    // buttons, and configure a CKEditor plugin setting.
    $this->ckeditor = $this->container
    $settings = $editor
    $settings['toolbar']['rows'][0][0]['items'][] = 'Strike';
    $settings['toolbar']['rows'][0][0]['items'][] = 'Format';
    $expected_config['toolbar'][0]['items'][] = 'Strike';
    $expected_config['toolbar'][0]['items'][] = 'Format';
    $expected_config['format_tags'] = 'p;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6';
    $expected_config['extraPlugins'] .= ',llama_contextual,llama_contextual_and_button';
    $expected_config['drupalExternalPlugins']['llama_contextual'] = file_create_url('core/modules/ckeditor/tests/modules/js/llama_contextual.js');
    $expected_config['drupalExternalPlugins']['llama_contextual_and_button'] = file_create_url('core/modules/ckeditor/tests/modules/js/llama_contextual_and_button.js');
    $expected_config['contentsCss'][] = file_create_url('core/modules/ckeditor/tests/modules/ckeditor_test.css');
      ->assertIdentical($expected_config, $this
      ->getJSSettings($editor)), 'Generated JS settings are correct for customized configuration.');

    // Change the allowed HTML tags; the "allowedContent" and "format_tags"
    // settings for CKEditor should automatically be updated as well.
    $format = $editor
      ->filters('filter_html')->settings['allowed_html'] .= '<pre class> <h1> <blockquote class="*"> <address class="foo bar-* *">';
    $expected_config['allowedContent']['pre'] = array(
      'attributes' => 'class',
      'styles' => FALSE,
      'classes' => TRUE,
    $expected_config['allowedContent']['h1'] = array(
      'attributes' => FALSE,
      'styles' => FALSE,
      'classes' => FALSE,
    $expected_config['allowedContent']['blockquote'] = array(
      'attributes' => 'class',
      'styles' => FALSE,
      'classes' => TRUE,
    $expected_config['allowedContent']['address'] = array(
      'attributes' => 'class',
      'styles' => FALSE,
      'classes' => 'foo,bar-*',
    $expected_config['format_tags'] = 'p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre';
      ->assertIdentical($expected_config, $this
      ->getJSSettings($editor)), 'Generated JS settings are correct for customized configuration.');

    // Disable the filter_html filter: allow *all *tags.
      ->setFilterConfig('filter_html', array(
      'status' => 0,
    $expected_config['allowedContent'] = TRUE;
    $expected_config['disallowedContent'] = FALSE;
    $expected_config['format_tags'] = 'p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre';
      ->assertIdentical($expected_config, $this
      ->getJSSettings($editor)), 'Generated JS settings are correct for customized configuration.');

    // Enable the filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes filter.
      ->setFilterConfig('filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes', array(
      'status' => 1,
      'settings' => array(
        'restrictions' => array(
          'allowed' => array(
            'p' => TRUE,
            'a' => array(
              'href' => TRUE,
              'rel' => array(
                'nofollow' => TRUE,
              'class' => array(
                'external' => TRUE,
              'target' => array(
                '_blank' => FALSE,
            'span' => array(
              'class' => array(
                'dodo' => FALSE,
              'property' => array(
                'dc:*' => TRUE,
              'rel' => array(
                'foaf:*' => FALSE,
              'style' => array(
                'underline' => FALSE,
                'color' => FALSE,
                'font-size' => TRUE,
            '*' => array(
              'style' => FALSE,
              'on*' => FALSE,
              'class' => array(
                'is-a-hipster-llama' => TRUE,
                'and-more' => TRUE,
              'data-*' => TRUE,
            'del' => FALSE,
    $expected_config['allowedContent'] = array(
      'p' => array(
        'attributes' => TRUE,
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => 'is-a-hipster-llama,and-more',
      'a' => array(
        'attributes' => 'href,rel,class,target',
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => 'external',
      'span' => array(
        'attributes' => 'class,property,rel,style',
        'styles' => 'font-size',
        'classes' => FALSE,
      '*' => array(
        'attributes' => 'class,data-*',
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => 'is-a-hipster-llama,and-more',
      'del' => array(
        'attributes' => FALSE,
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
    $expected_config['disallowedContent'] = array(
      'span' => array(
        'styles' => 'underline,color',
        'classes' => 'dodo',
      '*' => array(
        'attributes' => 'on*',
    $expected_config['format_tags'] = 'p';
      ->assertIdentical($expected_config, $this
      ->getJSSettings($editor)), 'Generated JS settings are correct for customized configuration.');

   * Tests CKEditor::buildToolbarJSSetting().
  function testBuildToolbarJSSetting() {
    $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');

    // Default toolbar.
    $expected = $this
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $this
      ->buildToolbarJSSetting($editor)), '"toolbar" configuration part of JS settings built correctly for default toolbar.');

    // Customize the configuration.
    $settings = $editor
    $settings['toolbar']['rows'][0][0]['items'][] = 'Strike';
    $expected[0]['items'][] = 'Strike';
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $this
      ->buildToolbarJSSetting($editor)), '"toolbar" configuration part of JS settings built correctly for customized toolbar.');

    // Enable the editor_test module, customize further.

    // Override the label of a toolbar component.
    $settings['toolbar']['rows'][0][0]['name'] = 'JunkScience';
    $settings['toolbar']['rows'][0][0]['items'][] = 'Llama';
    $expected[0]['name'] = 'JunkScience';
    $expected[0]['items'][] = 'Llama';
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $this
      ->buildToolbarJSSetting($editor)), '"toolbar" configuration part of JS settings built correctly for customized toolbar with contrib module-provided CKEditor plugin.');

   * Tests CKEditor::buildContentsCssJSSetting().
  function testBuildContentsCssJSSetting() {
    $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');

    // Default toolbar.
    $expected = $this
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $this->ckeditor
      ->buildContentsCssJSSetting($editor), '"contentsCss" configuration part of JS settings built correctly for default toolbar.');

    // Enable the editor_test module, which implements hook_ckeditor_css_alter().
    $expected[] = file_create_url('core/modules/ckeditor/tests/modules/ckeditor_test.css');
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $this->ckeditor
      ->buildContentsCssJSSetting($editor), '"contentsCss" configuration part of JS settings built correctly while a hook_ckeditor_css_alter() implementation exists.');

    // Enable the Bartik theme, which specifies a CKEditor stylesheet.
      ->set('default', 'bartik')
    $expected[] = file_create_url('core/themes/bartik/css/base/elements.css');
    $expected[] = file_create_url('core/themes/bartik/css/components/captions.css');
    $expected[] = file_create_url('core/themes/bartik/css/components/table.css');
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $this->ckeditor
      ->buildContentsCssJSSetting($editor), '"contentsCss" configuration part of JS settings built correctly while a theme providing a CKEditor stylesheet exists.');

   * Tests Internal::getConfig().
  function testInternalGetConfig() {
    $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');
    $internal_plugin = $this->container

    // Default toolbar.
    $expected = $this
    $expected['disallowedContent'] = $this
    $expected['allowedContent'] = $this
      ->assertEqual($expected, $internal_plugin
      ->getConfig($editor), '"Internal" plugin configuration built correctly for default toolbar.');

    // Format dropdown/button enabled: new setting should be present.
    $settings = $editor
    $settings['toolbar']['rows'][0][0]['items'][] = 'Format';
    $expected['format_tags'] = 'p;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6';
      ->assertEqual($expected, $internal_plugin
      ->getConfig($editor), '"Internal" plugin configuration built correctly for customized toolbar.');

   * Tests StylesCombo::getConfig().
  function testStylesComboGetConfig() {
    $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');
    $stylescombo_plugin = $this->container

    // Styles dropdown/button enabled: new setting should be present.
    $settings = $editor
    $settings['toolbar']['rows'][0][0]['items'][] = 'Styles';
    $settings['plugins']['stylescombo']['styles'] = '';
    $expected['stylesSet'] = array();
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $stylescombo_plugin
      ->getConfig($editor), '"StylesCombo" plugin configuration built correctly for customized toolbar.');

    // Configure the optional "styles" setting in odd ways that shouldn't affect
    // the end result.
    $settings['plugins']['stylescombo']['styles'] = "   \n";
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $stylescombo_plugin
    $settings['plugins']['stylescombo']['styles'] = "\r\n  \n  \r  \n ";
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $stylescombo_plugin
      ->getConfig($editor), '"StylesCombo" plugin configuration built correctly for customized toolbar.');

    // Now configure it properly, the end result should change.
    $settings['plugins']['stylescombo']['styles'] = "h1.title|Title\np.mAgical.Callout|Callout";
    $expected['stylesSet'] = array(
        'name' => 'Title',
        'element' => 'h1',
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => 'title',
        'name' => 'Callout',
        'element' => 'p',
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => 'mAgical Callout',
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $stylescombo_plugin
      ->getConfig($editor), '"StylesCombo" plugin configuration built correctly for customized toolbar.');

    // Same configuration, but now interspersed with nonsense. Should yield the
    // same result.
    $settings['plugins']['stylescombo']['styles'] = "  h1 .title   |  Title \r \n\r  \np.mAgical  .Callout|Callout\r";
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $stylescombo_plugin
      ->getConfig($editor), '"StylesCombo" plugin configuration built correctly for customized toolbar.');

    // Slightly different configuration: class names are optional.
    $settings['plugins']['stylescombo']['styles'] = "      h1 |  Title ";
    $expected['stylesSet'] = array(
        'name' => 'Title',
        'element' => 'h1',
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $stylescombo_plugin
      ->getConfig($editor), '"StylesCombo" plugin configuration built correctly for customized toolbar.');

    // Invalid syntax should cause stylesSet to be set to FALSE.
    $settings['plugins']['stylescombo']['styles'] = "h1";
    $expected['stylesSet'] = FALSE;
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $stylescombo_plugin
      ->getConfig($editor), '"StylesCombo" plugin configuration built correctly for customized toolbar.');

   * Tests language list availability in CKEditor.
  function testLanguages() {

    // Get CKEditor supported language codes and spot-check.
    $langcodes = $this->ckeditor

    // Language codes transformed with browser mappings.
      ->assertTrue($langcodes['pt-pt'] == 'pt', '"pt" properly resolved');
      ->assertTrue($langcodes['zh-hans'] == 'zh-cn', '"zh-hans" properly resolved');

    // Language code both in Drupal and CKEditor.
      ->assertTrue($langcodes['gl'] == 'gl', '"gl" properly resolved');

    // Language codes only in CKEditor.
      ->assertTrue($langcodes['en-au'] == 'en-au', '"en-au" properly resolved');
      ->assertTrue($langcodes['sr-latn'] == 'sr-latn', '"sr-latn" properly resolved');

    // No locale module, so even though languages are enabled, CKEditor should
    // still be in English.

   * Tests that CKEditor plugins participate in JS translation.
  function testJSTranslation() {
      ->installSchema('locale', 'locales_source');
      ->installSchema('locale', 'locales_location');
      ->installSchema('locale', 'locales_target');
    $editor = Editor::load('filtered_html');
    $localeStorage = $this->container
    $string = $localeStorage
      'source' => 'Edit Link',
      'context' => '',
      ->assertTrue(!empty($string), 'String from JavaScript file saved.');

    // With locale module, CKEditor should not adhere to the language selected.

   * Assert that CKEditor picks the expected language when French is default.
   * @param string $langcode
   *   Language code to assert for. Defaults to French. That is the default
   *   language set in this assertion.
  protected function assertCKEditorLanguage($langcode = 'fr') {

    // Set French as the site default language.
      ->set('default_langcode', 'fr')

    // Reset the language manager so new negotiations attempts will fall back on
    // French. Reinject the language manager CKEditor to use the current one.
    $this->ckeditor = $this->container

    // Test that we now get the expected language.
    $editor = Editor::load('filtered_html');
    $settings = $this->ckeditor
      ->assertEqual($settings['language'], $langcode);
  protected function getDefaultInternalConfig() {
    return array(
      'customConfig' => '',
      'pasteFromWordPromptCleanup' => TRUE,
      'resize_dir' => 'vertical',
      'justifyClasses' => array(
      'entities' => FALSE,
  protected function getDefaultAllowedContentConfig() {
    return [
      'h2' => [
        'attributes' => 'id',
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
      'h3' => [
        'attributes' => FALSE,
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
      'h4' => [
        'attributes' => FALSE,
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
      'h5' => [
        'attributes' => FALSE,
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
      'h6' => [
        'attributes' => FALSE,
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
      'p' => [
        'attributes' => FALSE,
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
      'br' => [
        'attributes' => FALSE,
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
      'strong' => [
        'attributes' => FALSE,
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
      'a' => [
        'attributes' => 'href,hreflang',
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
      '*' => [
        'attributes' => 'lang,dir',
        'styles' => FALSE,
        'classes' => FALSE,
  protected function getDefaultDisallowedContentConfig() {
    return array(
      '*' => array(
        'attributes' => 'on*',
  protected function getDefaultToolbarConfig() {
    return array(
        'name' => 'Formatting',
        'items' => array(
        'name' => 'Links',
        'items' => array(
        'name' => 'Lists',
        'items' => array(
        'name' => 'Media',
        'items' => array(
        'name' => 'Tools',
        'items' => array(
  protected function getDefaultContentsCssConfig() {
    return array(



Namesort descending Description
CKEditorTest Tests for the 'CKEditor' text editor plugin.