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function CKEditorAdminTest::testExistingFormat in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/ckeditor/src/Tests/CKEditorAdminTest.php \Drupal\ckeditor\Tests\CKEditorAdminTest::testExistingFormat()

Tests configuring a text editor for an existing text format.


core/modules/ckeditor/src/Tests/CKEditorAdminTest.php, line 55
Contains \Drupal\ckeditor\Tests\CKEditorAdminTest.


Tests administration of CKEditor.




function testExistingFormat() {
  $ckeditor = $this->container

  // Ensure no Editor config entity exists yet.
  $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');
    ->assertFalse($editor, 'No Editor config entity exists yet.');

  // Verify the "Text Editor" <select> when a text editor is available.
  $select = $this
  $select_is_disabled = $this
    ->xpath('//select[@name="editor[editor]" and @disabled="disabled"]');
  $options = $this
    ->assertTrue(count($select) === 1, 'The Text Editor select exists.');
    ->assertTrue(count($select_is_disabled) === 0, 'The Text Editor select is not disabled.');
    ->assertTrue(count($options) === 2, 'The Text Editor select has two options.');
    ->assertTrue((string) $options[0] === 'None', 'Option 1 in the Text Editor select is "None".');
    ->assertTrue((string) $options[1] === 'CKEditor', 'Option 2 in the Text Editor select is "CKEditor".');
    ->assertTrue((string) $options[0]['selected'] === 'selected', 'Option 1 ("None") is selected.');

  // Select the "CKEditor" editor and click the "Save configuration" button.
  $edit = array(
    'editor[editor]' => 'ckeditor',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    ->assertRaw(t('You must configure the selected text editor.'));

  // Ensure the CKEditor editor returns the expected default settings.
  $expected_default_settings = array(
    'toolbar' => array(
      'rows' => array(
        // Button groups
            'name' => 'Formatting',
            'items' => array(
            'name' => 'Links',
            'items' => array(
            'name' => 'Lists',
            'items' => array(
            'name' => 'Media',
            'items' => array(
            'name' => 'Tools',
            'items' => array(
    'plugins' => array(),
    ->getDefaultSettings()), $expected_default_settings);

  // Keep the "CKEditor" editor selected and click the "Configure" button.
    ->drupalPostAjaxForm(NULL, $edit, 'editor_configure');
  $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');
    ->assertFalse($editor, 'No Editor config entity exists yet.');

  // Ensure that drupalSettings is correct.
  $ckeditor_settings_toolbar = array(
    '#theme' => 'ckeditor_settings_toolbar',
    '#editor' => Editor::create([
      'editor' => 'ckeditor',
    '#plugins' => $this->container
    ->assertEqual($this->drupalSettings['ckeditor']['toolbarAdmin'], $this->container
    ->renderPlain($ckeditor_settings_toolbar), 'CKEditor toolbar settings are rendered as part of drupalSettings.');

  // Ensure the toolbar buttons configuration value is initialized to the
  // expected default value.
  $expected_buttons_value = json_encode($expected_default_settings['toolbar']['rows']);
    ->assertFieldByName('editor[settings][toolbar][button_groups]', $expected_buttons_value);

  // Ensure the styles textarea exists and is initialized empty.
  $styles_textarea = $this
    ->assertFieldByXPath('//textarea[@name="editor[settings][plugins][stylescombo][styles]"]', '', 'The styles textarea exists and is empty.');
    ->assertTrue(count($styles_textarea) === 1, 'The "styles" textarea exists.');

  // Submit the form to save the selection of CKEditor as the chosen editor.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));

  // Ensure an Editor object exists now, with the proper settings.
  $expected_settings = $expected_default_settings;
  $expected_settings['plugins']['stylescombo']['styles'] = '';
  $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');
    ->assertTrue($editor instanceof Editor, 'An Editor config entity exists now.');
    ->assertIdentical($expected_settings, $editor
    ->getSettings(), 'The Editor config entity has the correct settings.');

  // Configure the Styles plugin, and ensure the updated settings are saved.
  $edit = array(
    'editor[settings][plugins][stylescombo][styles]' => "h1.title|Title\np.callout|Callout\n\n",
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
  $expected_settings['plugins']['stylescombo']['styles'] = "h1.title|Title\np.callout|Callout\n\n";
  $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');
    ->assertTrue($editor instanceof Editor, 'An Editor config entity exists.');
    ->assertIdentical($expected_settings, $editor
    ->getSettings(), 'The Editor config entity has the correct settings.');

  // Change the buttons that appear on the toolbar (in JavaScript, this is
  // done via drag and drop, but here we can only emulate the end result of
  // that interaction). Test multiple toolbar rows and a divider within a row.
  $expected_settings['toolbar']['rows'][0][] = array(
    'name' => 'Action history',
    'items' => array(
  $edit = array(
    'editor[settings][toolbar][button_groups]' => json_encode($expected_settings['toolbar']['rows']),
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
  $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');
    ->assertTrue($editor instanceof Editor, 'An Editor config entity exists.');
    ->assertIdentical($expected_settings, $editor
    ->getSettings(), 'The Editor config entity has the correct settings.');

  // Check that the markup we're setting for the toolbar buttons (actually in
  // JavaScript's drupalSettings, and Unicode-escaped) is correctly rendered.

  // Create function to encode HTML as we expect it in drupalSettings.
  $json_encode = function ($html) {
    return trim(Json::encode($html), '"');

  // Check the Button separator.
    ->assertRaw($json_encode('<li data-drupal-ckeditor-button-name="-" class="ckeditor-button-separator ckeditor-multiple-button" data-drupal-ckeditor-type="separator"><a href="#" role="button" aria-label="Button separator" class="ckeditor-separator"></a></li>'));

  // Check the Format dropdown.
    ->assertRaw($json_encode('<li data-drupal-ckeditor-button-name="Format" class="ckeditor-button"><a href="#" role="button" aria-label="Format"><span class="ckeditor-button-dropdown">Format<span class="ckeditor-button-arrow"></span></span></a></li>'));

  // Check the Styles dropdown.
    ->assertRaw($json_encode('<li data-drupal-ckeditor-button-name="Styles" class="ckeditor-button"><a href="#" role="button" aria-label="Styles"><span class="ckeditor-button-dropdown">Styles<span class="ckeditor-button-arrow"></span></span></a></li>'));

  // Check strikethrough.
    ->assertRaw($json_encode('<li data-drupal-ckeditor-button-name="Strike" class="ckeditor-button"><a href="#" class="cke-icon-only cke_ltr" role="button" title="strike" aria-label="strike"><span class="cke_button_icon cke_button__strike_icon">strike</span></a></li>'));

  // Now enable the ckeditor_test module, which provides one configurable
  // CKEditor plugin — this should not affect the Editor config entity.
  $ultra_llama_mode_checkbox = $this
    ->xpath('//input[@type="checkbox" and @name="editor[settings][plugins][llama_contextual_and_button][ultra_llama_mode]" and not(@checked)]');
    ->assertTrue(count($ultra_llama_mode_checkbox) === 1, 'The "Ultra llama mode" checkbox exists and is not checked.');
  $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');
    ->assertTrue($editor instanceof Editor, 'An Editor config entity exists.');
    ->assertIdentical($expected_settings, $editor
    ->getSettings(), 'The Editor config entity has the correct settings.');

  // Finally, check the "Ultra llama mode" checkbox.
  $edit = array(
    'editor[settings][plugins][llama_contextual_and_button][ultra_llama_mode]' => '1',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
  $ultra_llama_mode_checkbox = $this
    ->xpath('//input[@type="checkbox" and @name="editor[settings][plugins][llama_contextual_and_button][ultra_llama_mode]" and @checked="checked"]');
    ->assertTrue(count($ultra_llama_mode_checkbox) === 1, 'The "Ultra llama mode" checkbox exists and is checked.');
  $expected_settings['plugins']['llama_contextual_and_button']['ultra_llama_mode'] = TRUE;
  $editor = entity_load('editor', 'filtered_html');
    ->assertTrue($editor instanceof Editor, 'An Editor config entity exists.');
    ->assertIdentical($expected_settings, $editor