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function BasicAuthTest::testPerUserLoginFloodControl in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/basic_auth/src/Tests/Authentication/BasicAuthTest.php \Drupal\basic_auth\Tests\Authentication\BasicAuthTest::testPerUserLoginFloodControl()

Test the per-user login flood control.


core/modules/basic_auth/src/Tests/Authentication/BasicAuthTest.php, line 108
Contains \Drupal\basic_auth\Tests\Authentication\BasicAuthTest.


Tests for BasicAuth authentication provider.




function testPerUserLoginFloodControl() {
    ->set('ip_limit', 4000)
    ->set('user_limit', 2)
  $user = $this
  $incorrect_user = clone $user;
  $incorrect_user->pass_raw .= 'incorrect';
  $user2 = $this
  $url = Url::fromRoute('router_test.11');

  // Try a failed login.
    ->basicAuthGet($url, $incorrect_user
    ->getUsername(), $incorrect_user->pass_raw);

  // A successful login will reset the per-user flood control count.
    ->basicAuthGet($url, $user
    ->getUsername(), $user->pass_raw);
    ->assertResponse('200', 'Per user flood prevention gets reset on a successful login.');

  // Try 2 failed logins for a user. They will trigger flood control.
  for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
      ->basicAuthGet($url, $incorrect_user
      ->getUsername(), $incorrect_user->pass_raw);

  // Now the user account is blocked.
    ->basicAuthGet($url, $user
    ->getUsername(), $user->pass_raw);
    ->assertResponse('403', 'The user account is blocked due to per user flood prevention.');

  // Try one successful attempt for a different user, it should not trigger
  // any flood control.
    ->basicAuthGet($url, $user2
    ->getUsername(), $user2->pass_raw);
    ->assertResponse('200', 'Per user flood prevention does not block access for other users.');