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UpdateFeedTest.php in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/aggregator/src/Tests/UpdateFeedTest.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\aggregator\Tests\UpdateFeedTest.
namespace Drupal\aggregator\Tests;

 * Update feed test.
 * @group aggregator
class UpdateFeedTest extends AggregatorTestBase {

   * Creates a feed and attempts to update it.
  public function testUpdateFeed() {
    $remaining_fields = array(
    foreach ($remaining_fields as $same_field) {
      $feed = $this

      // Get new feed data array and modify newly created feed.
      $edit = $this

      // Change refresh value.
      $edit['refresh'] = 1800;
      if (isset($feed->{$same_field}->value)) {
        $edit[$same_field] = $feed->{$same_field}->value;
        ->drupalPostForm('aggregator/sources/' . $feed
        ->id() . '/configure', $edit, t('Save'));
        ->assertRaw(t('The feed %name has been updated.', array(
        '%name' => $edit['title[0][value]'],
      )), format_string('The feed %name has been updated.', array(
        '%name' => $edit['title[0][value]'],

      // Check feed data.
        ->url('canonical', [
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        ->uniqueFeed($edit['title[0][value]'], $edit['url[0][value]']), 'The feed is unique.');

      // Check feed source.
        ->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed
        ->assertResponse(200, 'Feed source exists.');
        ->assertText($edit['title[0][value]'], 'Page title');

      // Set correct title so deleteFeed() will work.
      $feed->title = $edit['title[0][value]'];

      // Delete feed.



Namesort descending Description
UpdateFeedTest Update feed test.