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14 calls to Drupal::configFactory() in Zircon Profile 8.0

block_update_8001 in core/modules/block/block.install
Update block visibility context mapping.
block_update_8003 in core/modules/block/block.install
Remove 'cache' setting.
editor_update_8001 in core/modules/editor/editor.install
Synchronizes the editor status with the paired text format status.
field_update_8001 in core/modules/field/field.install
Removes the stale 'target_bundle' storage setting on entity_reference fields.
field_update_8002 in core/modules/field/field.install
The 'entity_reference' field type is now provided by core.
migrate_update_8001 in core/modules/migrate/migrate.install
Remove load plugin references from existing migrations.
ProcessedText::configFactory in core/modules/filter/src/Element/ProcessedText.php
Wraps the config factory.
system_update_8005 in core/modules/system/system.install
Place local actions and tasks blocks in every theme.
system_update_8009 in core/modules/system/system.install
Add allowed attributes to existing html filters.
system_update_8013 in core/modules/system/system.install
Enable automated cron module and move the config into it.
TextFormat::configFactory in core/modules/filter/src/Element/TextFormat.php
Wraps the config factory.
views_post_update_cleanup_duplicate_views_data in core/modules/views/views.post_update.php
Update some views fields that were previously duplicated.
views_update_8001 in core/modules/views/views.install
Update views field plugins.
views_update_8002 in core/modules/views/views.install
Updates %1 and !1 tokens to argument tokens.