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protected property Registry::$registry in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Theme/Registry.php \Drupal\Core\Theme\Registry::registry

The complete theme registry.

An associative array keyed by theme hook names, whose values are associative arrays containing the aggregated hook definition:

  • type: The type of the extension the original theme hook originates from; e.g., 'module' for theme hook 'node' of Node module.
  • name: The name of the extension the original theme hook originates from; e.g., 'node' for theme hook 'node' of Node module.
  • theme path: The effective \Drupal\Core\Theme\ActiveTheme::getPath() during _theme(), available as 'directory' variable in templates. For functions, it should point to the respective theme.For templates, it should point to the directory that contains the template.
  • includes: (optional) An array of include files to load when the theme hook is executed by _theme().
  • file: (optional) A filename to add to 'includes', either prefixed with the value of 'path', or the path of the extension implementing hook_theme().

In case of a theme base hook, one of the following:

  • variables: An associative array whose keys are variable names and whose values are default values of the variables to use for this theme hook.
  • render element: A string denoting the name of the variable name, in which the render element for this theme hook is provided.

In case of a theme template file:

  • path: The path to the template file to use. Defaults to the subdirectory 'templates' of the path of the extension implementing hook_theme(); e.g., 'core/modules/node/templates' for Node module.
  • template: The basename of the template file to use, without extension (as the extension is specific to the theme engine). The template file is in the directory defined by 'path'.
  • template_file: A full path and file name to a template file to use. Allows any extension to override the effective template file.
  • engine: The theme engine to use for the template file.

In case of a theme function:

  • function: The function name to call to generate the output.

For any registered theme hook, including theme hook suggestions:

  • preprocess: An array of theme variable preprocess callbacks to invoke before invoking final theme variable processors.
  • process: An array of theme variable process callbacks to invoke before invoking the actual theme function or template.

Type: array


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Theme/Registry.php, line 82
Contains \Drupal\Core\Theme\Registry.


Defines the theme registry service.




protected $registry;