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public static function ConfigEntityBase::sort in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/Entity/ConfigEntityBase.php \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase::sort()

Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label.

4 calls to ConfigEntityBase::sort()
Action::sort in core/modules/system/src/Entity/Action.php
Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label.
ConfigTest::sort in core/modules/config/tests/config_test/src/Entity/ConfigTest.php
Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label.
EntityDisplayModeBase::sort in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityDisplayModeBase.php
Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label.
SearchPage::sort in core/modules/search/src/Entity/SearchPage.php
Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label.
6 methods override ConfigEntityBase::sort()
Action::sort in core/modules/system/src/Entity/Action.php
Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label.
Block::sort in core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php
Sorts active blocks by weight; sorts inactive blocks by name.
ConfigTest::sort in core/modules/config/tests/config_test/src/Entity/ConfigTest.php
Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label.
DateFormat::sort in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Datetime/Entity/DateFormat.php
Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label.
EntityDisplayModeBase::sort in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityDisplayModeBase.php
Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label.

... See full list


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/Entity/ConfigEntityBase.php, line 255
Contains \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase.


Defines a base configuration entity class.




public static function sort(ConfigEntityInterface $a, ConfigEntityInterface $b) {
  $a_weight = isset($a->weight) ? $a->weight : 0;
  $b_weight = isset($b->weight) ? $b->weight : 0;
  if ($a_weight == $b_weight) {
    $a_label = $a
    $b_label = $b
    return strnatcasecmp($a_label, $b_label);
  return $a_weight < $b_weight ? -1 : 1;