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13 uses of FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS in Zircon Profile 8

BrowserTestBase::prepareEnvironment in core/modules/simpletest/src/BrowserTestBase.php
Prepares the current environment for running the test.
DirectoryTest::testFileCheckDirectoryHandling in core/modules/system/src/Tests/File/DirectoryTest.php
Test directory handling functions.
FileStorage::ensureStorage in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/FileStorage.php
Check if the directory exists and create it if not.
file_prepare_directory in core/includes/
Checks that the directory exists and is writable.
hook_install in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/module.api.php
Perform setup tasks when the module is installed.
ImageStyle::createDerivative in core/modules/image/src/Entity/ImageStyle.php
Creates a new image derivative based on this image style.
image_install in core/modules/image/image.install
Implements hook_install().
install_check_translations in core/includes/
Checks installation requirements and reports any errors.
install_ensure_config_directory in core/includes/
Ensures that the config directory exists and is writable, or can be made so.
KernelTestBase::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/src/KernelTestBase.php
Performs setup tasks before each individual test method is run.
locale_install in core/modules/locale/locale.install
Implements hook_install().
system_requirements in core/modules/system/system.install
Implements hook_requirements().
TestBase::prepareEnvironment in core/modules/simpletest/src/TestBase.php
Prepares the current environment for running the test.