33 uses of FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY in Zircon Profile 8
- AssetDumper::dump in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Asset/ AssetDumper.php - The file name for the CSS or JS cache file is generated from the hash of the aggregated contents of the files in $data. This forces proxies and browsers to download new CSS when the CSS changes.
- BrowserTestBase::installDrupal in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ BrowserTestBase.php - Installs Drupal into the Simpletest site.
- BrowserTestBase::prepareEnvironment in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ BrowserTestBase.php - Prepares the current environment for running the test.
- color_scheme_form_submit in core/
modules/ color/ color.module - Form submission handler for color_scheme_form().
- DirectoryTest::testFileCheckDirectoryHandling in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ File/ DirectoryTest.php - Test directory handling functions.
- DownloadTest::checkUrl in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Tests/ DownloadTest.php - Download a file from the URL generated by file_create_url().
- DownloadTest::testFileCreateUrl in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Tests/ DownloadTest.php - Test file_create_url().
- EntityFile::import in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ destination/ EntityFile.php - Import the row.
- FileItem::generateSampleValue in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldType/ FileItem.php - Generates placeholder field values.
- FileStorage::ensureStorage in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Config/ FileStorage.php - Check if the directory exists and create it if not.
- FileTestForm::submitForm in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file_test/ src/ Form/ FileTestForm.php - Form submission handler.
- file_managed_file_save_upload in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Saves any files that have been uploaded into a managed_file element.
- file_prepare_directory in core/
includes/ file.inc - Checks that the directory exists and is writable.
- hook_install in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Extension/ module.api.php - Perform setup tasks when the module is installed.
- ImageItem::generateSampleValue in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldType/ ImageItem.php - Generates placeholder field values.
- ImageStyle::createDerivative in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Entity/ ImageStyle.php - Creates a new image derivative based on this image style.
- ImageStylesPathAndUrlTest::doImageStyleUrlAndPathTests in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Tests/ ImageStylesPathAndUrlTest.php - Tests building an image style URL.
- image_field_config_update in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update() for 'field_config'.
- image_field_storage_config_update in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update() for 'field_storage_config'.
- image_install in core/
modules/ image/ image.install - Implements hook_install().
- install_check_translations in core/
includes/ install.core.inc - Checks installation requirements and reports any errors.
- install_ensure_config_directory in core/
includes/ install.inc - Ensures that the config directory exists and is writable, or can be made so.
- KernelTestBase::setUp in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ KernelTestBase.php - Performs setup tasks before each individual test method is run.
- LocaleUpdateBase::makePoFile in core/
modules/ locale/ src/ Tests/ LocaleUpdateBase.php - Creates a translation file and tests its timestamp.
- LocaleUpdateBase::setTranslationsDirectory in core/
modules/ locale/ src/ Tests/ LocaleUpdateBase.php - Sets the value of the default translations directory.
- locale_install in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.install - Implements hook_install().
- MigrateFileTest::migrateDumpAlter in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Tests/ Migrate/ d6/ MigrateFileTest.php - Allows tests to alter dumps after they've loaded.
- system_requirements in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Implements hook_requirements().
- TestBase::prepareEnvironment in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ TestBase.php - Prepares the current environment for running the test.
- TestBase::run in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ TestBase.php - Run all tests in this class.
- ToolkitGdTest::testManipulations in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Tests/ Image/ ToolkitGdTest.php - Since PHP can't visually check that our images have been manipulated properly, build a list of expected color values for each of the corners and the expected height and widths for the final images.
- WebTestBase::initConfig in core/
modules/ simpletest/ src/ WebTestBase.php - Initialize various configurations post-installation.
- _locale_rebuild_js in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.module - (Re-)Creates the JavaScript translation file for a language.