You are here in Yandex.Metrics 7.3

core            = "7.x"
description     = "Allows to authorise application and display reports."
name            = "Yandex.Metrics Reports"
package         = Yandex.Metrics

; Dependencies.
dependencies[]  = visualization
dependencies[]  = yandex_metrics
dependencies[]  = yandex_services_auth

; Configuration path.
configure       = admin/config/system/yandex_metrics/reports


View source
  1. core = "7.x"
  2. description = "Allows to authorise application and display reports."
  3. name = "Yandex.Metrics Reports"
  4. package = Yandex.Metrics
  5. ; Dependencies.
  6. dependencies[] = visualization
  7. dependencies[] = yandex_metrics
  8. dependencies[] = yandex_services_auth
  9. ; Configuration path.
  10. configure = admin/config/system/yandex_metrics/reports