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7 calls to yandex_metrics_retreive_data() in Yandex.Metrics 7

yandex_metrics_get_counter_for_current_site in ./yandex_metrics.module
Gets counter ID for the current site from Yandex.Metrics.
yandex_metrics_save_popular_content in ./yandex_metrics.module
Fetch Popuplar content from Yandex.metrika and save it to the database.
_yandex_metrics_geo_chart in ./yandex_metrics.module
The function generates pie chart with geographical information on visitors.
_yandex_metrics_popular_content in ./yandex_metrics.module
The function generates the table of popular content.
_yandex_metrics_search_phrases in ./yandex_metrics.module
The function generates content of search phrases table ordered by popularity.
_yandex_metrics_sources_chart in ./yandex_metrics.module
The function generates pie chart with traffic sources summary.
_yandex_metrics_visits_chart in ./yandex_metrics.module
The function generates bar chart with information about page views, visitors and new visitors.