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public function YamlFormSubmissionListBuilderTest::testResults in YAML Form 8

Tests results.


src/Tests/YamlFormSubmissionListBuilderTest.php, line 15


Tests for form submission list builder.




public function testResults() {
  global $base_path;

  /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormInterface $yamlform */

  /** @var \Drupal\yamlform\YamlFormSubmissionInterface[] $submissions */
  list($yamlform, $submissions) = $this

  // Make the second submission to be starred (aka sticky).

  /* Filter */
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table');

  // Check state options with totals.
    ->assertRaw('<select data-drupal-selector="edit-state" id="edit-state" name="state" class="form-select"><option value="" selected="selected">All [3]</option><option value="starred">Starred [1]</option><option value="unstarred">Unstarred [2]</option></select>');

  // Check results with no filtering.
    ->assertNoFieldById('edit-reset', 'reset');

  // Check results filtered by key(word).
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table', [
    'search' => $submissions[0]
  ], t('Filter'));
    ->assertUrl('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table?search=' . $submissions[0]
    ->getData('first_name') . '&state=');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-reset', 'Reset');

  // Check results filtered by state.
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table', [
    'state' => 'starred',
  ], t('Filter'));
    ->assertUrl('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table?search=&state=starred');
    ->assertRaw('<option value="starred" selected="selected">Starred [1]</option>');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-reset', 'Reset');

  /* Customize */

  // Check that created is visible and changed is hidden.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table');
    ->assertRaw('sort by Created');
    ->assertNoRaw('sort by Changed');

  // Check that first name is before last name.
    ->assertPattern('#First name.+Last name#s');

  // Check that no pager is being displayed.
    ->assertNoRaw('<nav class="pager" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="pagination-heading">');

  // Check that table is sorted by serial.
    ->assertRaw('<th specifier="serial" aria-sort="descending" class="is-active">');

  // Check the table results order by sid.

  // Customize to results table.
  $edit = [
    'columns[created][checkbox]' => FALSE,
    'columns[changed][checkbox]' => TRUE,
    'columns[element__first_name][weight]' => '8',
    'columns[element__last_name][weight]' => '7',
    'sort' => 'element__first_name',
    'direction' => 'desc',
    'limit' => 20,
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table/custom', $edit, t('Save'));
    ->assertRaw('The customized table has been saved.');

  // Check that sid is hidden and changed is visible.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table');
    ->assertNoRaw('sort by Created');
    ->assertRaw('sort by Changed');

  // Check that first name is now after last name.
    ->assertPattern('#Last name.+First name#ms');

  // Check the table results order by first name.

  // Manually set the limit to 1.
    ->setState('results.custom.limit', 1);

  // Check that only one result (Hillary #2) is displayed with pager.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table');
    ->assertRaw('<nav class="pager" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="pagination-heading">');

  // Reset the limit to 20.
    ->setState('results.custom.limit', 20);

  // Check Header label and element value display.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table');

  // Check user header and value.
    ->assertRaw('<a href="' . $base_path . 'admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table?sort=asc&amp;order=User" title="sort by User">User</a>');
    ->assertRaw('<td class="priority-medium">' . $this->normalUser
    ->getAccountName() . '</td>');

  // Check date of birth.
    ->assertRaw('<th specifier="element__dob"><a href="' . $base_path . 'admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table?sort=asc&amp;order=Date%20of%20birth" title="sort by Date of birth">Date of birth</a></th>');
    ->assertRaw('<td>Sunday, October 26, 1947</td>');

  // Display Header key and element raw.
    ->setState('results.custom.format', [
    'header_format' => 'key',
    'element_format' => 'raw',
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table');

  // Check user header and value.
    ->assertRaw('<a href="' . $base_path . 'admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table?sort=asc&amp;order=uid" title="sort by uid">uid</a>');
    ->assertRaw('<td class="priority-medium">' . $this->normalUser
    ->id() . '</td>');

  // Check date of birth.
    ->assertRaw('<th specifier="element__dob"><a href="' . $base_path . 'admin/structure/yamlform/manage/' . $yamlform
    ->id() . '/results/table?sort=asc&amp;order=dob" title="sort by dob">dob</a></th>');
    ->assertRaw('<td>Sun, 26 Oct 1947 00:00:00 +1000am0</td>');