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YamlFormElementOptionsTest.php in YAML Form 8


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namespace Drupal\yamlform\Tests;

use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Tests for form element options.
 * @group YamlForm
class YamlFormElementOptionsTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * Tests building of options elements.
  public function test() {
    global $base_path;


    // Processing.


    // Check default value handling.
      ->drupalPostForm('yamlform/test_element_options', [], t('Submit'));
      ->assertRaw("yamlform_options: {  }\nyamlform_options_default_value:\n  one: One\n  two: Two\n  three: Three\nyamlform_options_optgroup:\n  'Group One':\n    one: One\n  'Group Two':\n    two: Two\n  'Group Three':\n    three: Three\nyamlform_element_options_entity: yes_no\nyamlform_element_options_custom:\n  one: One\n  two: Two\n  three: Three");

    // Check default value handling.
      ->drupalPostForm('yamlform/test_element_options', [
      'yamlform_element_options_custom[options]' => 'yes_no',
    ], t('Submit'));
      ->assertRaw("yamlform_element_options_custom: yes_no");



Namesort descending Description
YamlFormElementOptionsTest Tests for form element options.