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7 calls to YamlForm::initElements() in YAML Form 8

YamlForm::getElementsDecoded in src/Entity/YamlForm.php
Get form elements decoded as an associative array.
YamlForm::getElementsDecodedAndFlattened in src/Entity/YamlForm.php
Get form raw elements decoded and flattened into an associative array.
YamlForm::getElementsFlattenedAndHasValue in src/Entity/YamlForm.php
Get form flattened list of elements.
YamlForm::getElementsInitialized in src/Entity/YamlForm.php
Get form elements initialized as an associative array.
YamlForm::getElementsInitializedAndFlattened in src/Entity/YamlForm.php
Get form elements initialized and flattened into an associative array.
YamlForm::hasFlexboxLayout in src/Entity/YamlForm.php
Determine if the form is using a Flexbox layout.
YamlForm::hasManagedFile in src/Entity/YamlForm.php
Determine if the form's elements include a managed_file upload element.