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ReferenceTest.php in YAML Content 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\yaml_content\Unit\Plugin\yaml_content\process;

use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Drupal\Tests\yaml_content\Traits\LoadFixturesTrait;
use Drupal\yaml_content\Plugin\ProcessingContext;
use Drupal\yaml_content\Plugin\yaml_content\process\Reference;
use Prophecy\Argument;

 * Test entity reference processing.
 * @group yaml_content
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\yaml_content\Plugin\yaml_content\process\Reference
class ReferenceTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * The entity type manager service mock.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface|\Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The entity storage handler mock.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface|\Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy
  protected $entityStorageHandler;

   * The reference process plugin being tested.
   * @var \Drupal\yaml_content\Plugin\yaml_content\process\Reference
  protected $reference;

   * Setup mocks and a reference plugin for all tests.
  public function setUp() {
    $this->entityTypeManager = $this
    $this->entityStorageHandler = $this
    $this->reference = new Reference([
        'title' => 'My First Blog Post',
    ], 'reference', [], $this->entityTypeManager

   * Reference processing returns a reference to existing matching entities.
   * @covers ::process
  public function testProcessExisting() {
    $data = [
      '#process' => [
        'callback' => 'reference',

    // Mock a query so we can control and assert the mapping of arguments to entity.
    $query = $this
      ->condition('title', 'My First Blog Post')

    // Create should not be called.
      ->process(new ProcessingContext(), $data);
      'target_id' => 1,
    ], $data);

   * Reference processing should not create new entity if no matches are found.
   * @covers ::process
  public function testProcessCreate() {
    $data = [
      '#process' => [
        'callback' => 'reference',

    // Mock a query so we can control and assert the mapping of arguments to entity.
    $query = $this
      ->condition('title', 'My First Blog Post')

    // Stub an existing entity since entities are complex and db bound.
    $entity = $this

    // Create should not be called.
      ->process(new ProcessingContext(), $data);
      'target_id' => 2,
    ], $data);

   * Test reference processing failure.
  public function testProcessCreateFail() {
    $data = [
      '#process' => [
        'callback' => 'reference',

    // Mock a query so we can control and assert the mapping of arguments to entity.
    $query = $this
      ->condition('title', 'My First Blog Post')

    // Stub an existing entity since entities are complex and db bound.
    $entity = $this
      ->markTestIncomplete('How do we fail? Id will always be called and the array will always have something and not be empty.');

    // Create should not be called.
      ->process(new ProcessingContext(), $data);
      'target_id' => 2,
    ], $data);



Namesort descending Description
ReferenceTest Test entity reference processing.